The Pizza Diet is a Real Way to Lose Weight


The Pizza Diet is a Real Way to Lose Weight
The Pizza Diet is a Real Way to Lose Weight

The Italian man in this YouTube video returned to his roots for the weight loss he needed. Learn how to lose weight by eating pizza for lunch every day.

You really need to watch and listen to this video to believe how much weight he lost. Every day he ate a huge breakfast (cereal, milk, orange juice, fruit), a pizza for lunch, then a small dinner (salad, wine) and fruit for snacking.

He is a big guy and requires a few more calories than we gals, but we can still lose weight doing this diet.

He does mention that when he grocery shops if the label has more than 10 ingredients, he does not buy the item.

I find this video to be an A+. How about you? Now I'm hungry!

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