If you are reading this right now, then it’s safe to assume that you are thinking about losing some weight, and that is great! No matter how overweight you are, it is the commitment to actually starting that is the most important hurdle to get over. Of course, before you throw yourself in to a full time regime, you need to make sure that you have all of the necessary information to ensure that you are doing it properly. Here are ten things you should know before you begin a weight loss journey!
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1. Willpower
It’s all about willpower at the start, because nobody heading into a weight loss programme is going to be a pro! You might not see results for a little while, but the main thing is to retain the willpower to keep on plugging away.
2. Change Environment
Modify your home environment in small ways that can make your weight loss easier. Doing things like changing the size of your dinner plates, making sure you have fruit within reach for snacking, and hiding other family members’ unhealthy treats away from you can all make a big difference.
3. Attitude
You absolutely might keep up a positive attitude on your journey, because as soon as the doubts start to come in, the motivation will fade away. It can sometimes be a fake it ‘til you make it situation with weight loss happiness!
4. Plan for Failure
Come up with a contingency plan for if you happen to fall off the wagon and binge eat one evening for example. It might happen, but you won’t need to throw your entire regime out of the window because you have a back up plan to refer to!
5. Take Your Time
Don’t go in with expectations of looking like a supermodel within a few months. Weight loss is a much slower process than the ads like to make you think, so don’t beat yourself up because you aren’t losing pounds and pounds per week.
6. Food Diary
It is a really good idea to keep a food diary, because it is the only really truthful way that you are going to be able to record everything that you eat, and therefore the only way you will be able to identify problem areas.
7. Don’t Overcompensate
Don’t get into the mindset of thinking that you can have a bad cheat day and then fix it all with a long run. Overcompensating with extreme exercise will only serve to damage your body and not give it time to recover.
8. Alcohol
Be prepared to give up alcohol along with a lot of your favourite foods. Booze is actually the main culprit for a lot of the hidden calories that cause us to put on the extra pounds.
9. Sex
Think about factoring sex into your weight loss regime! It is one of the most fun forms of exercise. You can burn about three calories per minute of bedroom activity ... the longer it lasts, the better off you’ll be!
10. Feedback
Prepare yourself for the barrage of ‘feedback’ and ‘advice’ that people are going to want to give you all the time. Don’t let it get you too up or too down, the only voice in your head should be your own!