Things to do on Sunday for a Great Weight Loss Week ...


Things to do on Sunday for a Great Weight Loss Week ...
Things to do on Sunday for a Great Weight Loss Week ...

Sunday is a great day to get yourself geared up for the week ahead. If you’re trying to lose weight, it should definitely play a role in what you’re doing on Sunday to be ready for the Monday through Friday grind. Spend just a little bit of time on your day off and you could start seeing the number on the scale slide downward in no time. Add these things to your Sunday itinerary and I promise that weight loss will feel nearly effortless for the rest of the week.

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Prep Your Meals and Snacks so You Can Grab and Go

One of the biggest things that can get in the way of healthy weight loss is the lure of the drive-thru at lunchtime. Instead of trying to resist temptation, spend an hour or so on Sunday prepping your meals and snacks for the week. Make a big pot of soup or a huge salad, then portion it out into individual containers. Grab one every morning and you have lunch without any extra work.


Pencil in Your Workout Schedule

It’s harder to skip your workout when it’s included as part of your schedule for the day. Look at your work and social calendar and figure out when you can fit in your trip to the gym. Committing to a couple of minutes on Sunday allows you to create a workout schedule you can stick to. If it’s part of your plan, you’re more likely to do it.


Get Your Exercise Gear Gathered so It’s Ready

Nothing sucks more than planning to work out on your lunch break, only to find out you don’t have your running shoes with you. On Sunday evening, gather your gym bag and all the stuff you need. Put it in the car or by the front door so you have it. Make sure you have clean workout clothes and socks, as well as your water bottle and shower toiletries. No more missed workouts for you!


Load Your Phone with Motivation

Whether it’s a photo of your favorite in-shape celeb, inspiring quotes, a new playlist, or anything else that inspires you, get it ready so that it’s at your fingertips when you need it. Because, let’s be honest, you aren’t going to make it through the whole week without wanting a brownie or wanting to hit happy hour with the girls instead of hitting the treadmill. Use the motivation when you need it most.


Download a Fitness and Eating App

Are you someone who needs to keep careful track of your eating and exercise habits? Spend Sunday choosing an app that can help you do just that. Once it’s on your smartphone, you can input data whenever you want to. The app can help you stay accountable and on track with your progress.

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Tell Everyone What You’re Trying to Accomplish

Go ahead and tell your friends and family what your weight loss plans and goals are for the upcoming week. You’ll find it a whole lot harder to skip it when everyone knows what you’re trying to do. Call everyone on Sunday and then ask them to encourage you when you feel your motivation waning.


Make Sure You Go to Bed on Time This Sunday Night

Stop trying to prolong the weekend by staying up too late on Sunday. Being tired increases the production of stress and hunger hormones, both of which can leave you reaching for another slice of cake before lunchtime on Monday. Make sure to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep Sunday night so that you can wake up on Monday refreshed and ready to shed some pounds.

How to do you prepare for a weight loss week? Will you be adding any of these tips to your routine this Sunday?

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