Girls Here's a Game Plan for All of You Who Want a Flat Belly Fast ...


We all want a flat belly now that summer is on the way and we’re getting ready to rock our bikinis. Having a flat belly involves more than just cutting calories and getting enough exercise (though those two things are pretty important). The foods you choose and the things you do over the course of a day also contribute. So, courtesy of the experts at All You magazine, I’ve broken down your all day game plan for the flat belly you crave.

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1. Start Your Day with a Bowl of Hot Oatmeal

pink,flower,petal,plant,heart, Oatmeal is packed with fiber, a nutrient that fills you up for hours. That means you won’t be rushing to the vending machine for some Cheetos before your first hour at work has even passed. According to research, increasing your soluble fiber intake (that’s what kind is in oatmeal), helps reduce belly fat proportionally. Toss in some berries or apple chunks to add even more fiber to your meal.

2. Sip a Steaming Mug of Green Tea between Breakfast and Lunch

human action,eating,mouth,drink,food, Because your oatmeal will fill you up, you aren’t going to need a snack between meals. However, sipping some green tea can really help flatten your belly. Why? Because combining green tea with daily exercise produces an elevated reduction in belly fat, say the experts. The green tea is said to increase fat burn, so go ahead and enjoy it!

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3. Don’t Skip the Salad Dressing, Just Don’t Eat a Gallon of It

clothing,swimwear,beauty,sun tanning,leg, You’ve probably heard that eating salad dressing will ruin your diet. Yes, it certainly can. But at the same time, research shows that the healthy fats in some types of salad dressing help your body absorb the nutrients in your veggies to a higher degree. In addition, these healthy fats fight belly fat. Think olive oil, avocado or safflower oil dressings.

4. Go for a Walk after You Finish Your Salad at Lunchtime

hair,clothing,person,active undergarment,muscle, Not only is a break during the day important for your sanity, but research shows that it also helps burn belly fat, leaving yours flat as can be. You need about 30 minutes of daily activity for the best results and a walk on your lunch break is the perfect way to fit it in.

5. Reach for Some Yogurt during Your Midday Slump

human action,clothing,active undergarment,undergarment,brassiere, You know that time around 3:00 when your energy hits the wall and you start counting the hours until you can clock out and go home? That’s the time when the right snack choice can make or break the rest of your day. Experts say that yogurt is a great choice because the calcium helps balance stress hormones, preventing overeating. Choose low-fat versions to keep your calorie intake under control.

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6. Don’t Serve Dinner without a Side of Healthy Carbs

clothing,beauty,vacation,swimwear,sun tanning, Carbohydrates aren’t the devilish food they’re made out to be. In fact, your body needs healthy carbs just to function. Serving whole grains with your dinner is an easy way to get your daily quota for minimal calories. Brown rice, quinoa or whole wheat pasta are great ideas. They’re filling enough to keep you from reaching for snacks later.

7. Turn off Netflix and Go to Bed

clothing,person,photography,beauty,supermodel, It’s always tempting to stay up late and get a few more things done before bed. Turns out that’s a terrible idea if you’re trying to get a flat belly. Why? Because when you don’t get enough sleep, your body ramps up appetite hormones, causing you to overeat. Plus, the later you stay up, the higher the chance that you’ll gorge on unhealthy snacks. Try to get seven or eight hours each night and then watch your belly shrink.

Does this plan seem doable? Adding some planks to your exercise routine and taking a break from your gadgets in the evening are other ideas. How will you implement this plan today?

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I'm gonna start this!! Great Tips!!!

I'm considered vitamin deficient but I think I'm fat is this approach healthy???

I worked in the fitness industry for years. All the personal trainers say it's 90% diet 10% exercise.

I just joined this and this is the first thing I saw, it sounds perfect. thank you. my friend is eating little to no carbs so I'll give her this.

Starting tomorrow! Running today!

I've been told 70% is what you eat 30% is exercise

Love this thanks for this , now iknow what else do include to get that flat stomach :)

I'm 12 years old. I can't seem to lose anything!

This post is right on point. I've been told so many times to do this.

Finally! This article just made it sooooo much easier to lose weight!

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