7 Ways to Stay Fit during the Holidays ...


7 Ways to Stay Fit during the Holidays ...
7 Ways to Stay Fit during the Holidays ...

The holidays are a hard time to stay fit, but there are lots of ways to stay fit during the holidays. The holidays mean much more temptation in terms of what we eat — combined with less time to work off those sugar cookies and baked goods at the gym. To stay on track between the festive parties, happy hours and New Year's celebrations, follow these helpful hints on ways to stay fit during the holidays!

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1. Enlist a Buddy

It's true—there is strength in numbers! Make your commitment to staying fit with a friend. By being each other's personal cheerleaders and scheduling workouts together, you are more likely to honor your fitness commitments and stay on track to success and stay fit during the holidays!

2. Keep a Food Journal

Writing down each and every thing you eat may sound silly, but it's a great way to monitor what you're consuming and an even better way to detect if you are overeating. While overindulging a little bit during the holidays is okay (we get it—there's so much delicious food!), this makes it easy to see when you are overdoing it.

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3. Remember Liquid Calories!

Just because your Candy Cane Martini doesn't have a nutrition label on it doesn't mean it's not jam-packed full of calories. Holiday parties are notorious for yummy cocktails and flowing champagne flutes, and too often we forget they can be just as fattening as a cookie platter. Limit yourself to just one or two: this is a key thing to remember in order to stay fit during the holidays!

4. Plan Ahead

In order to stay fit during the holidays, planning ahead is required. Schedules become full of holiday parties, visiting family and friends, shopping for gifts and more—so it is important to set time aside to work out. Make a plan that works with your holiday schedule, commit to it, and then stick to it! If you plan ahead, the excuse, "I don't have time" will be null!

5. Download an App

There are tons of fitness apps out there for your iPhone, Android or iPad that can help you monitor and track your workout progress in order to stay fit during the holidays. From Runtastic to Nexercise to All in Yoga, you can find the option that is right for you!

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6. Find Workouts You Can do from Home

You may not have time to get to the gym this holiday season, so why not bring the gym to you? Find workouts you are able to complete from home (or if you are traveling, your relative's home!) so you can fit in workouts between baking and wrapping sessions! Whether you have your own routine, or want to purchase a regime or DVD on iTunes (try Exercise TV!), this is a great way to stay fit during the holidays!

7. Make It a Family Event!

You know what they say: the more the merrier! So why not plan a family football game, snowball fight or 5k to keep everyone on your Christmas list fit this holiday season? Not only will you get some healthy exercise and stay fit this holiday season, you'll also create memories that will last a lifetime!

Keeping your calorie count in check and staying motivated to work out during the holiday season is always tough, but with these simple steps, you can stay on track. By following these ways to stay fit this holiday season, you'll be able to enjoy tasty treats while keeping your waistline in check!

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