7 Ways to Lose Weight in 7 Days ...


As you prepare for an event or a vacation, you may be searching for the way to lose weight in 7 days. You can make simple changes to eliminate bloating and lean down. There are also many other little changes you can make that all add up to great results. Are you ready to see great results in a short time? Then read how you can lose weight in 7 days:

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Eliminate Sugar

If you eliminate sugar you will help detoxify your body and eliminate excess bloating. If you currently eat food with refined sugar, it will be tough the first day or two but the results will pay off. In just a week’s time your stomach will be leaner. Debating on how to curb your sugar intake? You make this your priority if you are ready to lose weight in 7 days.


Cut out Alcohol

Alcohol is another toxin people drink to relax and unwind. Unwind another way, like with a workout because alcohol will bloat your midsection and not help you lose weight in 7 days. So skip the alcoholic drinks at least until you reach your goal and your results will be worth it!


Eliminate or Cut Back on Caffeine

Caffeine, a toxin that stimulates your nervous system, may be helping you to start your day but in an unhealthy way. Try having a spinach smoothie or some natural sugar like a piece of fruit to awaken your body and mind. Caffeine causes excess bloating along with dehydrating your muscles.


Increase Your Activity

If you do not already exercise, get moving to some cardio now! You can begin with a walk/jog session, elliptical or bike for 30 minutes. This week you should exercise for 3-5 days and get losing for your end of the week goal.


Drink Lots of Water

How much water do you drink each day? Based on your activity level you should be drinking between 8-12 glasses of water daily. If you are tired of drinking the same old water, add a splash of lemon or lime. Lemon is a natural diuretic so it will also help alleviate bloating. People often confuse hunger for thirst so when you feel a hunger pang, have a glass of water first to see if this subsides.

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Weigh in Every Morning

As a personal trainer for over a decade, I often advise clients against weighing in every day because this can become an obsession. But with just 7 days to your goal, a daily weigh in will keep you motivated, aware and help you to stay on track to your goal. When you wake up, weigh in before you have your breakfast; this is your true weight. Write this number down in a journal each day. If you stick to this plan, you can lose 3-5 pounds this week.


Eat Mini Healthy Meals Throughout the Day

Rather than eating three large meals that your body will have trouble digesting, graze on 5-6 mini meals that are light, healthy and will help you attain your goal. Eliminate meals after 8 pm and watch the weight and inches drop off this week. Remember with hard work, focus and an extra push in all your workouts, you can achieve your goal!

Now that you have some ways to help you lose weight in preparation for your next event, what are you doing? Get moving with these strategies to achieve great results!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge


Why does literally everything today focus on losing weight and dieting and being skinnier? why is there more things bombarding people with losing weight instead of just being confident and healthy? what about those of us who are naturally skinny? not everyone needs to lose 7 pounds in 7 days- also lots of people, like me. suffer from eating disorders-also, people can be underweight- do you think it helps me to suffer with anorexia and see things like this? ok-I understand lots of people struggle with being overweight-but lost of people really do not need to lose weight-no wonder everyone is so insecure

can you eat bread ?

Hello Tara Zimliki! I am 13 years old and weigh 132 pounds. I have 19 inch thighs and am fatter than a lot of my friends. Please could you give me a diet and excersises to do? I have no idea where to start! Please can you help me? Thank you! Sophie

Motivate yourself with your goal weight pictures, also create an exercise routine to do 5 days a week and pin it on a wall!

Thank you

What really helped me to lose weight was a program I stumbled upon loseweightfastandeasy.info This is a very easy method and will let you reach your goals simple and quick. Good luck!

A strong determination, a healthy & active lifestyle & a positive attitude towards life can help you achieve ur target weight.

Does anyone else have any GREAT tips for weightloss? It's been really hard for me to lose writht

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