7 Super Ways to Lose Weight for Summer ...


7 Super Ways to Lose Weight for Summer ...
7 Super Ways to Lose Weight for Summer ...

As the weather gets warmer you may ask: what are the ways to lose weight for summer? In a short time summer will be here, when you will be wearing your bathing suit at the pool or beach and baring it all! This is both exciting and intimidating at the same time. But only if you let this intimidate you; so don’t let it! Get in shape for summer so you can stroll in your bathing wear with confidence. Follow these super ways to lose weight for summer and you will be glad you did!

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1. Set Your Goal

One of the best ways to lose weight for summer is to set your goal. As you plan your summer weight loss goals set a number or milestone. If you really want to wear a bikini with confidence then use this as your motivation. Or if you want to lose 15 pounds before summer, set a plan. Set your goal and stick to it!

2. Map out a Realistic Fitness and Health Plan

You do not want to go on some restrictive diet because it is not realistic to try to continue this for the rest of your life. Set a healthy nutrition and fitness plan that you can stick with and commit to this. Put your fitness and health plan in a visible place, like on your refrigerator so you can be reminded of this daily.

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3. Eat Your Vegetables

Make a goal of eating 5 servings of vegetables a day. By eating vegetables you will be more satisfied as there is plenty of fiber and water and you will be eating to assist in preventative health of cancers and other illnesses. This will also help you to eat fewer calories in the day and push you along to reach your weight loss goals. Have some spinach in your morning omelet, a salad for lunch, raw veggies for a snack and a salad with dinner and you have reach 5! Reach your goal of 5 in a cinch!

4. Cook Your Own Meals

Sure, meals always taste great when you order out, but are they healthy? Usually take out is higher in both calories and fat and that is why it tastes richer. Cook your own meals at home so you know what goes into the meals. There are many healthy recipes you can cook that taste great and will aid your weight loss!

5. Look at Your Current Fitness Plan

If your goal is to lose 2 pounds a week that will take a 1000 calories deficit and this can be done through healthy eating and exercise. If this is your goal you should be exercising for 45 minutes to 1 hour five days a week. Look at your current fitness plan and make sure you are on target so you can reach and even surpass your weight loss goals for summer!

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6. Little Changes Go a Long Way

You do not have to alter your entire life to lose your weight loss goal. Little changes can make a big difference. So take the stairs instead of the elevator at work. Park farther away when you are shopping. Go for a daily walk to clear your mind. Swap out the ice-cream for some yogurt. With these small changes you will burn calories and as a result expedite your weight loss!

7. Keep Weight Loss Fun

As you use these ways to lose weight for summer, keep your weight loss journey fun and exciting by trying new healthy recipes and new workouts! As you begin to see results reward yourself with motivating non food related items such as a massage or a facial. Try new activities to get moving and burn more calories!

Remember believe and you will achieve all of your goals. It is all within you and you have the power to accomplish anything you put hard work and dedication into. And as you begin this journey ask yourself, what is my ultimate goal?

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Antonia. Why don't you tell us what you do? These goals work for every person in every walk of life. Don't understand why you think they are not realistic

Just starve yourself. It's way easier

What I did is eat less in one sitting and just eat small snacks during the day like almonds and such instead of a big lunch and then not eat a lot at night

These are good ideas. Always try your best and the most important part of this is to have a friend or a relative that will help you and encourage you to lose weight in a positive way.

These are the dumbest 7 ways to lose weight. Obviously I have to set myself realistic goals.

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