17 Weight Loss Secrets from around the World ...

Glenys Nov 11, 2023

17 Weight Loss Secrets from around the World ...
17 Weight Loss Secrets from around the World ...

If there is one thing that people from all around the world have in common, it is that we are all obsessed with our looks and our bodies, and are constantly coming up with new and different ways to shed some extra pounds! The great thing about there being so many different cultures and traditions is that you can learn new and potentially effective ways to go about changing your own body for the better. Here are 17 weight loss secrets from around the world.

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1. Thailand

Spice up your life! Eat as much spicy food as you can like they do in Thailand; it really helps to boost your metabolism so you burn calories more efficiently.

2. Brazil

In Brazil, most meals are served with a side of rice and/or beans, a much healthier choice than something like fries.

3. Indonesia

Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, so you can take the most beneficial aspects of their fasting culture to help with your own weight loss.

4. Poland

In Poland, locals don’t tend to eat out very often, preferring to eat healthier home cooked meals instead.

5. Germany

In Germany, it is a crime to skip your breakfast! Always make sure that you fuel yourself in the morning to prevent snacking urges throughout the day.

6. Netherlands

Embrace your bicycle more than you currently do and start cycling wherever you can. It’s the most popular form of transport in the Netherlands.

7. Switzerland

Get into the habit of eating a bowl of muesli every single day; that’s what the healthy guys do over in Switzerland.

8. Russia

Did you know that over half of Russians have some sort of allotment or vegetable patch? Growing your own produce is one of the best ways to be healthy.

9. Malaysia

Add more turmeric to your diet; it is really good for raising your metabolism and suppressing your appetite.

10. South Africa

Rooibos tea is the South African secret! It is actually much more robust than even green tea, and because it is naturally sweet, it doesn’t need sugar.

11. Hungary

Hungary is famous for its pickle loving people, so get on board that train for reduced blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

12. Norway

Every Sunday in Norway, it is tradition for families to get together and go in a long walk or hike.

13. India

Get into yoga, one of India’s biggest and best exports. It can strengthen your body and reduce your inches!

14. Japan

Power naps are a big thing in Japan, and you can take them up too in order to stave off hunger cravings.

15. Mexico

In Mexico, they make their biggest meal of the day the midday meal, and this gives your body the best chance to digest properly before bedtime.

16. France

The French really like to take their time with their meals, talking and socialising rather than scoffing food down and overeating.

17. Finland

Take up Nordic walking! It’s great outdoor physical activity and is all the rage in this part of Scandinavia!

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