Tips to Hold Yourself Accountable with Weight Loss ...


Tips to Hold Yourself Accountable with Weight Loss ...
Tips to Hold Yourself Accountable with Weight Loss ...

Do you need some tips for holding yourself accountable for weight loss? Often, willpower is not enough to keep you held accountable. Here are some little tips that can help you maintain accountability to the people who really matter - you and your loved ones. That's right...your family. What good are you going to be for them if you are sick, obese and do not exercise or eat healthy? Here are the best tips for holding yourself accountable for weight loss.

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1. Find an Accountability Partner

This is likely the most popular method of accountability and one of the top tips for holding yourself accountable for weight loss. However, it only works if you choose the right person and the person is truly invested in your success. Furthermore, there needs to be consequences based on whether or not you achieved your goal for the week. Go out for coffee once a week and if you have succeeded, the accountability partner pays. If you have not succeeded, you pay for the coffee.

2. Announce It to the Public

When you tell the public, you feel more responsible. Post on your social networking of choice or keep a blog. Post pictures and share your success. They'll expect a lot out of you, which will motivate you to not disappoint them.

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3. Reward Yourself

Design a reward system. If you fail to succeed that week, you'll miss out on the reward, which will help hold you accountable for success in the next week. Do not reward yourself with food or a day off from exercise. Make the reward something that makes you feel good about yourself and your weight loss plan.

4. There is an App

Personally, my favorite is, where I am a team leader. You can access anything from Sparkfriends, Sparkteams, Sparkrecipes, Sparkpeopletv, blogs, message boards, Sparkpages, food and activity tracking, to just name a few, completely free!

5. Try New Recipes

In your efforts to eat healthier and lose weight, why not check out cookbooks from your local library? Try a few new recipes. The library has every diet, lifestyle and method in cooking with coordinating cookbooks. Again, the library means free!

6. Drink Enough Water

Figure out a method of charting your water intake, whether on a calendar, notebook, etc. You need to drink half your weight in ounces. For example, if you way 160 pounds, you should drink 80 ounces. However, if you disagree, 8 cups is super.

7. Money Motivation

Another great method of accountability is using money. Often this is done in offices and workplaces. Anyone who wants to participate needs to buy into the pool for a set amount of money. If you are interested in something like this but there is nothing happening in your workplace, check out a website called DietBet where you can join in other competitions or start your own.

8. Accept Shortcomings

Sometimes, accountability highlights our failure. Challenge yourself not to approach it this way. Instead look where you have succeeded. When it comes to weight loss, nobody is perfect.

Finally, accountability is our vehicle for change. When you are serious about losing weight, you will jump on the wagon of accountability, because you want a new, healthier and sexier you.


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