3 Things to Know before Beginning a Weight Loss Journey ...


3 Things to Know before Beginning a Weight Loss Journey ...
3 Things to Know before Beginning a Weight Loss Journey ...

When the young lady in this YouTube video began her weight loss journey, there are things she had to learn on her own in order to succeed. Her life would have been much more simpler if she had known ahead of time, but we all know different things work for different people.

In the video, Liezyl explains 3 things she wishes she had known...

Liezl Jayne Strydom
Published on Jul 17, 2018

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She explains that it is not all about the calories, but calories are an important part in a way. You do not have to count every calorie, but kind-of round them off. Do not drive yourself nuts.



Your diet is not all about the protein. Make sure you have food from every food group...yes, even carbs!



Your need to find a workout that works for you, but tons of hours at the gym are not needed. Do a few different exercises and find out what you like! She found that HIIT (high intensity interval training) and strength training work for her.

Finally, a bonus tip: A phrase that we all know...drink water!

These are all tips that she found work for her. Take 'em or leave 'em. They just might work for you. When thinking about weight loss, keep an open mind on different tips that come your way. Her tips were not fad tips, which is a breath of fresh air in this age of fad diets.

You can do it!

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