Did you know certain fruits help you lose weight? Most people assume that all fruit is the same in terms of being healthy. But there are certain fruits that are higher in fiber and pectin, both natural fat burners that can help boost your metabolism. Certain fruits are lower in sugar than others. So what I am telling you is that all fruits are not created equal in nutritional value. Let me share the fruits that are better for your health and your waistline. You may be surprised at some of the fruits that I will share that will help expedite weight loss. Certain fruits help you lose weight and have more energy.
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1. Apples
Did you know apples are one of the best fruits to help you lose weight? I eat an apple daily because it is a super fruit, high in fiber and low in calories. Apples contain vitamins and minerals as well as fiber. These can all help you to lose weight in a variety of ways. Make sure you eat your apple a day to a slimmer you!
2. Pears
Pears are super weight loss fruits that pack plenty of fiber. In fact, most fruits pale in comparison to the amount of fiber that a pear provides! The high fiber content helps you to feel full, which aids weight loss. This is also a cholesterol-lowering and heart-healthy fruit due to its potassium content!
3. Bananas
I love bananas because they are an easily portable fruit, they're healthy and they taste great! Bananas are high in both fiber and potassium, which can help aid in weight loss. Bananas also are the only fruit that is a high source of vitamin B6; a single serving has more than 30 percent of the recommended daily amount! Vitamin B6 helps to boost your immunity and may lower your risk of heart disease. So enjoy a banana with breakfast or on the go to better your waistline and your immune system!
4. Blueberries
Blueberries are the special fruit with one of the highest antioxidant levels. Blueberries combat the factors that result in metabolic syndrome. This means that blueberries take on insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity, and cholesterol. Did you know that according to a recent study at the Texas Women’s University (TWU), blueberries fight fat cells? It is hard to imagine that such a tiny fruit can deliver such astonishing results. So grab a handful of blueberries to better your health!
5. Strawberries
Strawberries are a great weight loss fruit because strawberries promote the production of the hormones adiponectin and leptin, both of which are fat-burning hormones and metabolic boosters. This results in a higher metabolism when eaten in portion control along with a healthy, well balanced diet. Just make sure you do not forget to exercise as well. Strawberries also have anti-inflammatory enzymes, which can help heal internal injuries or even tissue damage. Have some strawberries to better your health and boost your metabolism.
6. Kiwi
I love kiwis because you can eat them from their shell and they have a sweet and sour taste in one! Did you know kiwi fruit is great for weight loss because it is literally filled with fiber? And you may have wondered what those black seeds in kiwi are. All those little black seeds combine for a good dose of insoluble fiber, which aids digestion. But kiwi fruit also offers soluble fiber, providing bulk that promotes the feeling of fullness, which is great for those looking to lose weight. Kiwi is a great super fruit that you should definitely eat!
7. Grapefruit
Remember the grapefruit diet? Okay maybe grapefruit all day is not the best thing. In fact this is not a well balanced diet at all. But the good news is that there is truth to eating grapefruit as a fat fighter. In fact, research shows that by eating a half a grapefruit before a meal, you can increase your weight loss. And grapefruit is low in calories, in fact there it are just 37 calories in a half a grapefruit and it is high in fiber! Have half a grapefruit with your breakfast to rev your metabolic rate and achieve your weight loss goals for summer!
8. Peaches
Peach is an ideal fruit for a low calories diet. It contains a high amount of fiber, potassium and it is full of vitamins. Several studies have shown that peaches are a good source of antioxidants that explain the health benefits that come with peach consumption. Therefore you can be assured that this fruit will help flush out your body and get it to the tip-top shape.
9. Coconut
Coconut is a very sweet and filling snack that can satisfy your sweet tooth in a time of crisis. You can consume it as coconut oil, water, milk, flour and even as dry fruit. It contains chains of triglycerides that raise the metabolic rate of the liver up to 30 percent, therefore helping you lose weight. Although many people stay clear of coconuts because they are high in saturated fats, they don't realize that the saturated fat in coconuts is completely different from the saturated fat that we all try to avoid. For example coconut oil is is a fat that is made up of medium chain fatty acids that and is not stored in our bodies as fat!
10. Pomegranate
According to a study from the University of Carolina, the polyphenols antioxidants in pomegranate boost the body's metabolism. In addition they stop the build up of the arterial lipid and lower your appetite. It is a super fruit when it comes to weight loss! Pomegranate additionally reduces LDL cholesterol, removes harmful toxins and increases the blood flow in the body. All that hard work that takes to eat this fruit, actually pays off!
11. Oranges
Orange is a really great metabolism booster which is high in vitamin C, thiamin and folate. However don't make a mistake of substituting orange juice for real oranges because they do not have the same nutritional value. Oranges contain a lot less calories and they provide you with fiber which is not present in its juice form. Believe it or not but one cup of orange has only 85 calories and 5 grams of dietary fiber. You will definitely benefit from this healthy fruit.
12. Mangoes
Although mangoes do contain a little more sugar than other fruits listed, they are great for you health when eaten in moderation. They contain about 130 calories , 3 grams of dietary fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and calcium. Therefore incorporating this fruit into your diet will have its perks for your journey to a better and slimmer you.
13. Papayas
Papayas are deliciously sweet with a soft-butter like consistency and a plethora of health benefits. It is great for weightless because it contains a unique natural enzyme which promotes faster transit of food through your body. In addition it is a rich source of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids. Also it is a really versatile fruit which you can enjoy raw or incorporate it in one of your main course dishes.
How will you eat all these super fruits to help you lose weight? I like to combine a little of each of these fruits in my own fruit salad. Hope you enjoy!
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