Best Ways to Lose Weight in Your 30s ...


Best Ways to Lose Weight in Your 30s ...
Best Ways to Lose Weight in Your 30s ...

You're in your 30s, which means your body is likely going through some changes, whether due to hormones or pregnancy and motherhood. That means you're probably searching for the best ways to lose weight in your 30s. The best way to drop excess pounds is to watch your calorie intake and get plenty of exercise. However, there are some additional things you can do that might help you reach your goals. Here are the best ways to lose weight in your 30s. Good luck!

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Green Tea

Drinking at least 3 cups of green tea per day may boost your metabolism and could help you burn fat 2 times faster! It's one of the most delicious and best ways to lose weight in your 30s.


Strength Training

Women start to lose muscle in their 30s. Gain and build muscle to maintain a healthy metabolism by adding strength training to your routine. The loss of muscle slows down your metabolism so shoot to do at least three sessions of strength training each week.



Add more protein to your weight loss regimen. Protein helps boost your energy levels and keep you feeling full longer. Good sources include lean meats, beans, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds.


Move Your Body

Try walking for 30 min per day at least 5 times per week. This will make a world of a difference. Especially for those with desk jobs. Other good choices for burning calories include running, biking, swimming and dancing.


Take a Break Each Day

Too much stress can cause your weight loss goals to fail. Do something daily that makes you happy. Look for activities that leave you feeling fresh and that improve your mood, such as a long lavish bubble bath or finally reading that book you have been eyeing.

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