What Time of Day do You Burn the Most Calories?


What Time of Day do You Burn the Most Calories?
What Time of Day do You Burn the Most Calories?

When it comes to weight loss, there is no doubting that the best way to go about it is to put yourself on a strict regime of diet and exercise that carries on from morning to night, but having said that, there are definitely certain periods across the course of a day when your body seems to be more receptive to the weight loss process than others. Here is what time of the day you burn the most calories.

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1. Circadian Rhythm

Your body has an internal clock called a circadian rhythm, and it is this circadian rhythm that determines when we are sleepy, when we are awake, when we are hungry, and most importantly, when we are susceptible to burning the most calories. So why does our circadian rhythm have to say about ideal calorie-burning times?

2. Late Afternoon

After much recent research and study, experts have determined that we actually burn 10% more calories during the late afternoon and early evening than at any other time across the day.

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3. Why?

So why is this? Well, it is very likely to be down to the fact that at this time of the day your body is receiving and burning off the fuel that you took in during breakfast and lunch, and it is yet to have to take on the digestive task of breaking down a much larger dinner meal in the late evening.

4. Metabolism

Because of the delicate balance of resting during the night and then subsequent fueling thanks to breakfast and lunch, the late afternoon is the time when your body’s metabolism is projected to be at its fastest. As you well know, the faster your metabolism runs, the quicker your burn calories and therefore the more calories you burn!

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