7 Ways to Become Fit and Fabulous ...


7 Ways to Become Fit and Fabulous ...
7 Ways to Become Fit and Fabulous ...

Are you searching for ways to become fit? You have tried kickboxing, yoga, dance and every fitness tape on the market. You may have experimented with every fad diet to try to drop a few pounds, but you still feel your fitness lacking. You still find that your jeans are tight and you are tired. There are specific ways to become fit and have more energy. By practicing these ways you will transform your body and your life. I am here as your certified trainer with the ways to become fit. Are you ready to change your life for the better?

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Drink Plenty of Water

I am not going to lie. I would love to sip cappuccino all day if I could but caffeine is not good for your body. Caffeine dehydrates your muscles and puts stress on your kidneys. Water is the way to go for hydrating your body and this will help decrease your appetite. There is no drink more thirst quenching than a cold glass of water. Drinking water tops my ways to become fit.


Find Workouts That Challenge You

If you walk for hours and barely break a sweat, walking may not be the right thing for you to do. Whatever workout you choose to do you should feel challenged and you should be sweating. Sweating is not only healthy for you but it is important to raise your heart rate during exercise to strengthen your cardiovascular system.


Eat Your Greens

There was a reason your mother made you sit at the table until you finished your greens. Greens have plenty of phytonutrients in them which helps prevent disease and boosts your metabolism. So eat your greens for a fitter, leaner you!


Stay Active when You Can

If you have a choice of the stairs of the elevator why would you choose the elevator? Even until my ninth month of my pregnancy I walked to the third floor of my doctor’s office for checkups and never took the elevator. By staying active you will burn extra calories and be thankful that you did!


Toughen up

Have you ever pushed through a workout when you really wanted to give up? If not, then why not? There is no better feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment than pushing through a workout. Just when you needed that extra metabolic boost, you worked through a mega calorie burning session. This is also a great way to view the world. Always work through your challenges and never give up!

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Are You Eating Enough Protein

Fitness enthusiasts should aim for a .5 gram to .75 grams of protein to every pound of their body weight. By starting your day with lean protein such as eggs, you will boost your metabolism and have more energy throughout the day.


Make the Most of Each Day

Keep your head up and make the most of each day. Your day may have been stressful so use your built up frustration as fuel for your workout. Or maybe you have found yourself struggling in what to eat for lunch each day. Start making your salads the night before so there is no room for “error” the next day. Being fit is about adopting a healthy lifestyle and making the most of each day!

Hope you enjoyed my tips on how to become fit and fabulous.By taking on a healthier lifestyle you will see amazing changes in your physical and mental health. Are you ready to change your life for the better? You only have one body, so treat it with love and care!

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Sounds like a lot of work - can one not be fabulous and unfit?

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I love ur tips. My hubby has told me the exact same stuff. I started gym yesterday and have been told that it's not enough to just exercise. U've got to eat right too. So yeah... Here's to Lots of water and proteins & greens. And enough rest too.

I have started this longback n hope it works

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