7 Things to do on the Weekends That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast ...


7 Things to do on the Weekends That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast ...
7 Things to do on the Weekends That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast ...

Most of us associate weekends with lounging and being a little more lazy than normal, but weekends are actually a prime time to lose weight fast without hitting the gym at all. The weekend tends to be a little more lighthearted, since the stress from the work week has subsided a bit. Even though I work most weekends, I still have a completely different state of mind during the weekend. Weekends are a fun time to do things with friends or family that can actually help you lose weight fast, or just keep you active. If you’re trying to get a little more healthy this year, or just drop a few unnecessary pounds, check out these easy ways to lose weight fast on your weekends. You’ll see most of them can be really fun, and come Sunday evening, you’ll be glad you did these instead of spending it on your sofa!

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1. Hiking

Hiking Hiking is hands down one of the best, most fun things to do on the weekends that can help you lose weight fast. Hiking is a wonderful activity for a few reasons. First, it is slower paced than brisk walking or running, and you’re out in nature, so it doesn’t feel like you’re making a point to workout. It is a fun activity to do with others that burns major calories in the meantime. You can either just go hiking in a local park, or some nearby mountains or trails. Pack a lunch, make a day of it, and don’t be intimidated. If you’ve never done it, it’s really quite easy. Just make sure you have some water, sunblock and a great walking buddy and go to it for an hour or two. Hiking uses specific muscles that other forms of exercise don’t, plus it can help tone your body much better than running. This leads to great muscle mass and more weight loss.

2. Swimming

Swimming During the summer, this is a given, but what about in the winter? Visit a local YMCA or indoor pool and go swimming on the weekends. It might seem strange, but it’s a great way to burn calories, and gets you doing something active that doesn’t require a gym.

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3. Biking

Biking Biking is a great weekend activity to do with someone. I don’t have time to do this during the week, and most people don’t either, but weekends are a great time to take a relaxing little ride on your bike. Go for an hour or two and you’ll burn several hundred calories without even realizing it.

4. Yoga Class

Yoga Class Though I do yoga daily, yoga classes are a luxury for me, since they require time to go, spend time there and then go home. Plus, if I’m going to a yoga class, I want to be able to stay for at least an hour to make it worth it. This makes going to a yoga class a wonderful activity to save for the weekends that can help you lose weight fast. Go on Saturdays or Sundays, or both, and stay for an hour for the best benefits.

5. Meal Prep

Meal Prep This requires no actual exercise, but is so important to help you lose weight fast. Saturday or Sunday should be a meal prep day for the week. I highly recommend doing this to make sure you have a week’s worth of healthy meals and snacks n your fridge, freezer, or pantry that are pre-made and not processed. This can save you money over the week, and takes away the temptation of stopping for fast food since you know you have meals and snacks already prepared. It can take as little a two hours on one afternoon, or more if you want to get more extensive, yet it will save you so much time during the week, not to mention stress! Go to the store and buy your ingredients and then come home to meal prep for the week. If you need some direction doing this for the first time, visit my favorite place to learn how to do a Sunday Meal Prep from Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean at : theleangreenbean.com. As a bonus, standing on your feet those couple hours or more really burns major calories!

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6. Afternoon Walks with Your Dog

Afternoon Walks with Your Dog I love doing this on the weekends! Most of the week is too crazy for me to take this luxury hour out of my day, but on the weekends, I crave late afternoon walks with my dog with no iPod - just me and her. We stroll the neighborhood for an hour, and it makes both of us feel so much happier. She comes in tired, but I come in rejuvenated and my stress is always lower too. Fall is a great time to start this healthy habit. Feel no pressure to go at a certain pace - just head out and take it slow. If you don't have a dog, just go alone! It's a great time to refocus for the week, and burn calories and reduce stress, which is a key combo to losing weight fast.

7. Cook Breakfast

Cook Breakfast Cooking breakfast at home is a great way to lose weight fast on the weekends, granted you make healthy foods, that is. Don’t go out for bagels and coffee, or that favorite pancake house you love. Make your own healthy breakfasts at home to save money and calories. Over the course of just one month, this can make a huge impact on your weight. Try things like smoothies, slow-cooked oats or overnight oats with nut butter and Greek yogurt, protein pancakes with fruit and yogurt, or an omelet with tomatoes and avocado. Forego the bacon and eggs, and keep it slenderizing though. We don’t want you undoing your efforts here!

These activities are all easy things anyone can do on the weekends to lose weight fast without even meaning to. Obviously, shopping totally counts since you’re burning major calories, and of course, cleaning if you enjoy that like I do. Do you do anything on the weekends that might help someone lose weight?

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Article* OMG I can't spell anything

I'm so lost!

Glad to hear shopping counts! Hehe x

What kind of dog do you have?


Hey I was wondering you say you do yoga daily do you have any yoga app recommendations? And cool arrival too :3

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