Stress Not These Cleanses Will Reverse Your Freshman Fifteen ...


Stress Not These Cleanses Will Reverse  Your Freshman Fifteen ...
Stress Not These Cleanses Will Reverse  Your Freshman Fifteen ...

So… college. You’re away from home for the first time and temptations abound! Dining hall food isn’t always the healthiest, plus the cafes and restaurants on and around campus aren’t exactly diet-friendly. That’s when a cleanse will come in handy! From soups, to smoothies, to juices, there are tons of cleanses you can try out during school or over break to reverse the Freshman 15.

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Detox Soup

Detox Soup
Most cleanses are juice or smoothie based, but during winter you need something warm or else you might want to give up before you’ve even started! That’s why a cleansing detox soup like this one will work wonders! It’s vegan, gluten free, and paleo, so regardless of your dietary needs it will work for you! The recipe is chock full of metabolism-boosters like cinnamon, lemon, and cayenne pepper as well as lots of veggies! Plus, using water in the broth will help you cleanse your body.


Detox Water

Detox Water
Ice water on its own is great because your body burns calories warming it up. Plus, water helps your digestive system function optimally. By adding apple, cucumber, and mint, it will taste better and motivate you to drink more. Flavored water might help you resist the temptation of other flavored drinks like soda and lemonade so you can finally stop drinking your calories. Drink this water three times a day, paired with clean meals and snacks.


No Deprivation Winter Detox Cleanse

No Deprivation Winter Detox Cleanse
Some cleanses can leave you hungry and lethargic after a while. The good thing about this cleanse is that its healthy, hearty calories will keep you full throughout the day! It combines all of your favorite methods of detox—smoothies, teas, soups, salads, and juices! Who knew you could eat so much, feel so good, and still lose weight?


Green Smoothie

Green Smoothie
The power of a green smoothie never ceases to amaze me! It always hits the spot right after a great workout, or gives you the energy to exercise first thing in the morning. Plus, it’s super filling and full of vitamins without a ton of calories. This green smoothie in particular is a tasty way to cleanse!


Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Elixir

Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Elixir
By now, you’ve probably heard about the magic powers of apple cider vinegar. Even though it isn’t be best tasting “elixir” it really does work wonders. Apple cider vinegar does everything from aid in digestion to banish bad breath! (Source: Plus, combined with honey, ginger, lemon juice, and warm water it shouldn’t taste too bad! Adding a dash of cayenne pepper will give an extra boost to your immune system. Drink this concoction first thing in the morning every day to get your digestive system working and you’ll start shedding pounds before you know it!

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Three Day Juice Cleanse

Three Day Juice Cleanse
Three day juice cleanses seem to be all the rage lately! So if you have a juicer, hop on the bandwagon! These are tasty, filling, and a great way to nourish and cleanse your body. It definitely takes a lot of willpower to complete one of these, but it's only three days of your life. You can handle it and you'll be a stronger, healthier woman for it!


Turmeric Tomato Detox Soup

Turmeric Tomato Detox Soup Tomato soup is my favorite comfort food! But a comfort food and a cleanse all in one? It sounds too good to be true! Luckily combined with turmeric, which fights inflammation and promotes weight loss, and without all the salt store-bought versions are full of, tomato soup is actually a great way to detox without depriving your body or tastebuds.

You don't have to be a victim of the dreaded Freshman Fifteen if you start working to reverse its effects now! Try these cleanses and watch the fat melt off! Of course, you have to pair them with exercise and healthy meals when you're not doing the cleanse's recipes. But what are you waiting for? Your body will thank you! Which one are you most eager to try?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This was a very wonderful article,. Thank you so much!


I love the fact that you still included food! So many people think a cleanse is just juice and no food! A cleanse should mean giving your body a break, but you still eat! I like to do a week of no dairy, wheat, and no added sugar anything every 6 months. Those soups are perfecto!

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