Slim Girl Tricks to Steal for People Trying to Eat in Moderation ...

Tara Oct 29, 2016

Have you ever looked at the slim people around you and wondered what is their trick? Do they barely eat or eat small meals throughout the day? Or should you chalk this all up to good genetics? Whatever it is that has kept them slim, it would be nice if you could be steered in their direction of achieving results. As a certified trainer, I guarantee most of this comes down to living a life in moderation. Life can include cake as long as it is a sliver. There is so much greatness in this world and as long as we enjoy this in a tasting, we can slim down, get healthier and feel so much better!

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1. Only the Weekends

All week you stick to eating healthy and monitoring all that you consume but on the weekends you let loose. You allow yourself to enjoy meals out and not stress over every calorie. This will give you balance and also prevent you from feeling deprived. Now that is why your skinny friends are eating what they want when you dine out on a Saturday!

2. Start Your Day with Sweets

The latest studies stress that if you want something sweet, eat it early in the day because this is when your metabolic rate is at its’ highest. Although I get this, I cannot imagine eating chocolate cake for breakfast. I stick to protein for breakfast but if you want to follow this plan, indulge a little for lunch. You will still have the rest of the day to burn these calories off. Burn baby burn!

3. Stick to a Schedule

Get on a regular schedule so you can lose and also feel better. Studies show that people that eat on a regular schedule are leaner and have fewer mood swings. This help your metabolic rate to run more efficiently so you can slim down!

4. Eat Portion Controlled Meals

Stick to portion controlled eating by always eating your meals on a salad plate. This will keep you from overeating and you will also feel less bogged down from eating too much in one sitting. And you will slim down in the process of your portion controlled choices!

5. Snack Healthily

It is healthy to snack throughout the day as long as you make choices to better your body. Choose whole foods and eliminate processed foods to snack smartly. You will think clearer, feel better and slim down from your healthy snack choices!

6. Sit down when You Eat

Studies show that if you stand when you eat, you may be distracted and as a result, you will eat more. But if you sit down and focus on your meal, you will eat the appropriate amount. So turn off the TV, put away your electronic devices and enjoy every delicious bite of your meal

7. Prepare for Your Cheat Meal

It is okay to cheat occasionally as long as you plan it. Skinny girls have no time to fret over the chocolate cake they want to enjoy for their birthday so they plan for this. On the day of their cheat meal they make sure to move more and stay active to account for the extra calories. And the planning for the cheat meal allows them to stay on track and get back to healthy eating after they indulge.

Follow these slim tricks so you get in your best shape and look ultra-amazing!

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