20 of the Laziest AF Ways to Lose Weight ...

Lydia Oct 22, 2018

20 of the Laziest AF Ways to Lose Weight ...
20 of the Laziest AF Ways to Lose Weight ...

Sure, we get it, the best way to lose weight is to go on a strict diet with lots of exercise to boot, but what if you are someone who is just too lazy to fully commit to that kind of lifestyle? I say if you’re lazy and you know it, then you should just own it, but that doesn’t mean that there is absolutely nothing you can do in order to drop a few pounds! Here are 20 of the laziest AF ways to lose weight!

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1. TV Multitasking

If you’re going to be spending two hours catching up on a TV show, then why not make it more productive by standing and doing some weights and stretches at the same time.

2. Leftovers

Rather than zapping a ready meal every night, cook a more healthy big dish on Sunday and then eat up the leftovers across the week.

3. Shorter Shopping

Give yourself only fifteen or so minutes to do your big weekly shop at the supermarket. It will only give you enough time to pick up the healthy essentials.

4. Ready to Eat Snacks

Instead of things like chocolate and candy, buy healthy ready to eat snacks like packaged dry fruit, or nuts, or coconut chunks.

5. Clutch

When you go to parties, always take a clutch rather than an on the shoulder bag. It will always be occupying one of your hands so you won’t be able to carry a plate of food around and eat it!

6. Non Stick

Invest in a set of good quality non stick pans because it means that you won’t have to keep using oil in your cooking.

7. Take Your Time

When eating a meal, take small breaks between bites to give your food time to travel. The longer you take; the sooner you realise that you are full.

8. Subscription Box

If you really want to take all of the responsibility and pressure off of your food buying, then you can always subscribe to a service that delivers healthy ingredients with simple recipes to follow. It will definitely keep you on track.

9. Popcorn

If you have to have a night time snack with a movie, then choose popcorn over candy. Unbuttered popcorn isn’t actually that bad for you, and it can give your body a whole grain and fibre boost.

10. Gym Clothes

You will feel much more motivated to do even a little bit of exercise if you have all of the right gear. Treat yourself to come trendy workout clothes and you will see that it changes your attitude a little bit.

11. Video Games

Play video games, but the kinds that require you to be up and moving. The Nintendo Wii or any type of VR headset game is ideal.

12. Fitness Apps

Take the stress out of tracking your fitness by leaving it all up one of the many smartphone apps available. They can track activity levels and calorie intake and everything else related to your health.

13. Steps

Whenever there is the option to take stairs over a lift or escalator, make the choice to do it. It adds a little more cardio into your day without you really even trying.

14. Snooze Button

Don’t be afraid to hit that snooze button a couple of times! It has been scientifically proven that people who get more sleep tend to be healthier and lighter.

15. Lipstick

Pay attention to giving yourself a kickass lipstick look at the start of every day. If you keep getting compliments, you won’t want to risk ruining it by eating!

16. Self Manicure

Spend more time giving yourself manicures at home. When your nails are wet with polish, you won’t be able to dig in to the chip bag!

17. Cash

When you are eating out, pay cash for your food; it has the psychological effect of making your order less.

18. Brush Your Teeth

After you have had dinner at night, brush your teeth right away. You won’t want to ruin that minty smoothness with late night snacking.

19. Tight Belt

Deliberately tighten your belt by one notch into the uncomfortable area, and you will be much less tempted to overeat and cause yourself further discomfort!

20. Jeans

Wear jeans to work more often. A recent study showed that casual jeans over stiff work suits increased people’s step counts by as much 500.

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