When you have made the decision to get serious about losing weight, the best course of action is to skip all of the fad diets and tips from trendy Instagrammers, and go straight for advice from a dietician instead. They are professionals in their field, their job is to literally provide you will all of the best and most helpful information! Here are fifteen tips from dieticians to lose weight. Enjoy this brief list and then check out the more detailed video!
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1. Don’t Restrict the Variety of Your Diet, Increase It in a Healthy Way
2. Be Careful about Your Portion Sizes
3. Be Kind to Yourself, and Celebrate Your Milestones, No Matter How Small
4. Maintain a Regular Sleeping Routine
5. Remember That You Aren’t Dieting to Look Good, You Are Dieting to Feel Good
6. Keep Track of the Calories That You Consume Every Day
7. Don’t Follow Fad Diets, Choose Your Own System Wisely
8. Snacking Isn’t as Bad as You Think, Especially when Grazing on Things like Nuts and Fruit
9. Eat when You Are Truly Hungry, Not when You Are Bored and Looking to Pass the Time
10. Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself when You Suffer a Setback, It’s All about the Long Tem, Not the Short Term
11. Don’t Think of Weight Loss Surgery as an Instant Fix for the Problem
12. Not All Fats in the Food World Actually Go towards Making You ‘fat’
13. Pay Attention to Any Medications That You Are Taking
14. Fast Weight Loss Doesn’t Usually Mean Actual Fat Loss
15. Fibre is the Thing That Can Help You to Lose Weight More Quickly, but Only if You do It Right