6 Cheat Meal Rules to Fire up Your Metabolism and Burn More Fat ...


6 Cheat Meal Rules to Fire up Your Metabolism and Burn More Fat ...
6 Cheat Meal Rules to Fire up Your Metabolism and Burn More Fat ...

Need some cheat meal rules? Although very cute, the speaker does make some sense too. He has 6 tips that are short, sweet and to the point. If you follow them, you will have success on your weight loss journey. If you are completely strict with no fun, you are setting up yourself for failure and will probably re-gain twice as much. Here are his cheat meal rules on YouTube.

Live Lean TV, April 17, 2013

For review, you should have a cheat meal after asking yourself the following questions:

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1. Did You Follow Your Weight Loss Plan for 30 Days?

2. Did You Eat a Protein and Eat It First?

Frequently asked questions

3. Did You Eat at the Kitchen Table and Not in Front of the Television?

4. Did You Have Better Additional Choices? for Example, No Cake or Cookies?

5. Can You Stay Focused if You Have a Cheat Meal?

Related Videos about

6. If It is a Non-training Day, Should You Still Have a Cheat Meal? Only if You Can Still Stay Focused on the Training Days

Pretty much, that explains the YouTube video. Eat to live not live to eat. The main point? Have a cheat meal once a week. If you starve yourself, you are going to end up gorging on food. Get out some cookbooks and make it an adventure!

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