Genius Tips on How to Grocery Shop for Weight Loss ...


Genius Tips on How to Grocery Shop for Weight Loss ...
Genius Tips on How to Grocery Shop for Weight Loss ...

I'm going to help you learn how to grocery shop for weight loss. When grocery shopping there are two keys: eat before you shop and make a list before you shop. Make your list after watching this video and you will breeze through Wal-Mart and will be on your way to weight loss success! Here's how to grocery shop for weight loss. Good luck!

Get Fit With Coach Jo
January 20, 2017

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1. Shopping Early is Good for the Best Selection, Especially in Produce

Grab some spinach, green beans, salad dressing and you have the making for a low-calorie salad. Stocking up on fruits and vegetables is one of the best answers for how to grocery shop for weight loss.

2. In the Meat Department, Grab Lean Meats

This includes chicken breast, white fish, and sirloin steaks. They are much lower in fat and calories than other choices.

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3. In the Dairy, Pick up Some Cheddar Cheese with Nuts

This makes a healthy and filling snack. While you're in the dairy section, grab some Greek yogurt and almond milk too.

4. Choose the Right Snacks

This includes things like almonds and tuna packets, both of which are packed with protein, which fills you up and gives you energy until it's time to eat again.

This was recorded in 2017, but why not make it your goal for 2018? With this simple list, you won't starve and you won't be bored with the selection. By the way, you'll get a good workout pushing that buggy! Make your health a priority in the New Year.

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