Inspiration to Not Give up when Weight Loss Seems Too Hard ...


Inspiration to Not Give up when Weight Loss Seems Too Hard ...
Inspiration to Not Give up when Weight Loss Seems Too Hard ...

I'm here with some inspiration for when you want to give up on losing weight.

Amber Green had had a very bad day. She is a single mom with a young child who had gone grocery shopping with her son, then lost her wallet. As she was driving to Costco after having been at the grocery store, she realized she did not have her wallet, which was left in the grocery cart at the grocery store, which held her Costco membership card!

As she was stressed, she thought to herself, "Can't I ever have a break", "Why isn't anything easy"? Just like with weight loss! Why is it so hard?

In the video, Amber is real. She even gets emotional as she speaks. Watch and see and listen... I think we can all relate. And who doesn't need some inspiration for when you want to give up on losing weight?

Amber Green
Published on Oct 4, 2014

Take all of the negative comments or negative energy and turn it into something positive because you can and because you are worth it.

Remember your why. What made you do it? Was it a weight loss meeting, a bridesmaid dress, a clothing store, an online search, etc. Know your why and remember it. When you know that you know. This way you will continue.

It may take you a year. It may take you two years.

Amber Green would not be at her goal weight if she had not failed. You learn from your failure. She is a firm believer in this. Remember her words!

Remember your why!

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