7 Fun Fitness Workouts ...


7 Fun Fitness Workouts ...
7 Fun Fitness Workouts ...

If you are not into traditional exercise just yet, but you're looking for fun fitness workouts that burn mega calories, then look no further because I have something for you! There are many workouts you can do that are fun, moderate activity, and that will not feel like you are exercising. You can do these fun fitness workouts solo or team up with your friend or partner.

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1. Pole Dancing

Pole Dancing classes are popping up everywhere because they are a fun fitness workout that strengthens your total body. If you are not ready to straddle a pole in front of a bunch of strangers just yet, you can purchase a pole on the internet and practice in the privacy of your own home. Have fun and work your body to get in shape and build your confidence to a whole new level. This is a fun fitness workout you should definitely try!

2. Strip Tease Dancing

Strip tease dancing is nothing x-rated. It is just dancing freely and moving your body in a flirty way. Put on your favorite music and move your hips. Strip tease dancing will build the strength in your lower body and give you a whole new lease on working out!

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3. Trampoline Workout

By just jumping on a trampoline you will burn mega calories, get your heart rate up and reduce the impact on your joints by jumping on a trampoline. By adding a twist as you jump you can also target your abdominal muscles as well. This is a fun fitness workout you must try!

4. Hula Hooping

Find your inner child and get back to your roots in a hula hoop workout. Hula hooping is a moderate core workout that is a lot of fun! When hula hooping make sure to keep a neutral spine and tighten your abs for a greater burn!

5. Step Ups

Let’s bring back the 80’s and invest in a step bench to work your legs and have a blast! Step workouts are a great cardiovascular workout and can be a lot of fun. If you are having trouble getting the coordination to do different step moves, relax and do this at in the comfort of your own home. I find it is always easier to do more advanced step ups when no one is watching!

6. Roller Skating

Roller skating is a great strength and cardiovascular workout in which you use your abdominal strength for balance. This is a high calorie burn that just so happens to be a lot of fun! Go ahead and search for a roller rink near you to get a great cardio workout with your friends while having a blast.

7. Laser Tag

Laser Tag is one of my favorite fun fitness workouts because it is so nontraditional and an unexpected high calorie burn. I find when I play laser tag I get in such a zone with squatting, hiding, and running, that I actually forget I am actually burn a ton of calories! Laser tag will get you in touch with your inner child while you have a lot of fun and that is why I listed this as the 7th fun fitness workout you must try!

I hope you enjoyed all my fun fitness workouts that move away from tradition and will make you feel like you are not working out. What fun fitness workouts will you try or have you already tried?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hey look, it's Cassey! Haha

Jazzercise is good too!

Zumba hello!

And Zumba!!

What about Zumba?

Jazzercise :)

More ideas please! I just cancelled my gym membership because the gym is soooo boring and they took away all my favorite group classes! I do yoga at home. Maybe I should get some skates too....

Here's what I say to anyone who needs to lose weight, just get over your self

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