The best ways to burn calories have got to be those that are seemingly effortless – those which you can do as you go about your daily life, without having to change into exercise gear or visit the gym. The next time you’re thinking about getting a bit more active, check out this list of ways to burn 100 calories.
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1. Dinner Party
Host a dinner part for all of your friends. You’ll be on your feet for a lot of the evening burning calories from your hosting duties and running around the kitchen. 38 minutes of chopping and serving will burn 100 calories.
2. Active Video Games
Have a video game session on something like a Nintendo Wii that requires you to be up and active instead of on the couch. Burn rate depends on activity.
3. Gardening
Indulge in a spot of gardening when the sun is out. You will be burning calories and making your surroundings prettier! 20 minutes of digging and planting will lighten your calories by 100.
4. Walk the Dog
If you have a dog, taking it out for a good long walk is an easy and fun way to burn some calories. 30-40 minutes will do the trick.
5. Beach Soccer/football
If you are lucky enough to have beach nearby, one of the best things you can do is play beach soccer for even just 20 minutes and the pay off is 100 calories spent.
6. Flash Mob!
Take part in a flash mob. They are super fun to be a part of and they often involve dancing and singing! Repeat a song 4 times while moving and that's your 100 calories gone.
7. Outdoor Party
Go and have an outdoor party with your friends. Partying outdoors means you are more likely to move around compared to the confines of a house. Make sure you don't eat too much or you'll be taking those 100 calories back in.
8. Hot Walks
Get out in the sun when the day is at its hottest and just go for a casual stroll; you will burn more calories in the heat. 30 minutes will do it.
9. Trampoline
Let out your inner 10 year old by having a super fun and super calorie burning 27 minute session on a trampoline!
10. Skates
Go retro and dig out your old roller skates.They provide a great alternative to a normal walk and give a better overall workout in 15 minutes.
11. Golf
Indulge in an afternoon of golfing or even just 40 minutes. Not only is it a fun game but it also incorporates a long walk.
12. Climb
Have a look at all of the offers on Groupon. They usually offer a discount on cool activities like rock climbing. Scale a wall for 10 minutes and bingo, spend 100 calories.
13. Hike
Make the most of the natural beauty that you have around you and go on a hike. 15-20 minutes brisk hiking will cost you 100 calories,
14. Elliptical
The great thing about using an elliptical is that you can get a great calorie burn from only a short work out - 12 minutes = 100 calories.
15. Group Exercise
Hit the exercise mat with a pal and make a fun competition out of your session; it will make it seem less daunting. There's so many ways to burn 100 calories this way.
16. Stretching
You can actually burn around 100 calories over a week just by doing a series of flexibility-increasing stretch exercises for 6 minutes a day.
17. Flag Football
Channel your inner Monica from Friends and play a 12 minute game of flag football to get your blood pumping!
18. Run
Just a ten-minute run at a good pace can easily burn off 100 calories.
19. Diving
You can burn lots of calories by trying out different types of dives in 30 minutes; the extra stretching and body movement really helps.
20. Spring Clean
Burn some calories and make your living environment more appealing by doing a thorough spring clean. For example: Scrub windows for 14 minutes (45 calories), vacuum for 10 minutes (37 calories), and wash dishes for 7 minutes (19 calories).
21. Cycling
Go on a nice bike ride around your city; take in some sights whilst burning calories.
22. Shoot Hoops
Get in the backyard and pretend you’re a kid again by spending 21 minutes shooting hoops!
23. Try Sailing
Not only is sailing a really fun and rewarding hobby, but it gives a fully body workout. Just 20 minutes aboard will torch those 100 calories
24. Paint a Room
Painting a room in your house for just 30 minutes can burn up to 100 calories.
25. Badminton
Badminton is one of the best sports for beginners, so grab your racket and get burning! A 20 minute session is what you need.
26. Nap!
It might seem crazy but taking a two hour nap can actually burn 100 calories!
27. Dodgeball
Release some pent up aggression and burn calories all in one with a good 20 minute game of dodgeball.
28. Go Shopping
The walking and lifting that an hour-long shopping trip involves can definitely burn 100 calories.
29. Dance
Put on some of your favorite tunes and dance for 30 minutes. The calories will come falling off!
30. Dog Bath
The amount of exercise and strain that it actually takes to get your dog in the bath for 30 minutes can have the desired calorie burning effect.
31. Hopscotch
Take it right back to your childhood by playing a throwback game of hopscotch for twenty minutes.
32. Piano
A good 45-minute session on the piano can be really good for burning 100 calories.
33. Tai Chi
Tai chi is a low intensity exercise but it is still great at helping to rid of 100 calories when you do it for 25 minutes.
34. Beach Volleyball
Get a suntan and get in shape at the same time with 12 minutes of beach volleyball.
35. TV!
Perhaps the most enjoyable suggestion of all, 90 minutes of TV watching will actually burn nearly 100 calories!