13 Tips to Get Motivated to Work out Every Single Day ...


13 Tips to Get Motivated to Work out Every Single Day ...
13 Tips to Get Motivated to Work out Every Single Day ...

Looking for tips to get motivated to work out? Then look no further because I have plenty of tips for you. As a business owner, mother of 3, and passionate fitness enthusiast I have plenty of motivation to share with you. Why, you may ask? Because I motivate myself and all the clients I train on a daily basis. Even on the busiest of days I still find time to exercise. And without a doubt every workout I complete is fueled by motivating myself. So let me share with you my tips to get motivated to work out, because it is not always easy but always well worth it!

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1. Exercise Early

Exercise Early Arise early to get your workout in so you are less likely to have plans come in between you getting your workout in. Didn’t you ever hear the saying, “the early bird gets the 6 pack?” Okay I made that one up! Seriously, exercising early really does help to get you motivated to stay on track and in a regular routine. So if your schedule allows, exercise early. This tops my tips to get motivated to work out because I practice this everyday!

2. Dress in Your Fitness Gear

Dress in Your Fitness Gear If you are debating on an afternoon exercise routine, stop debating, get your workout clothing and sneakers on so you can motivate yourself to get out the door. Contemplation allows you the opportunity to find a reason to not exercise. Cut the excuses and get working towards your fitness goals. You can do anything if you push yourself!

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3. Post a Schedule in a Visible Area

Post a Schedule in a Visible Area If you post a fitness schedule in a main area this will be a constant reminder to stay on track. Make sure your schedule allows for 1-2 days rest so your muscle fiber can rebuild and you will have a chance to recover. Also this schedule should be an attainable program that you can stick with. Remember the overly ambition exercisers usually do not stick with their program. So do what works best for you and your fitness level!

4. Make Non-negotiable Appointments

Make Non-negotiable Appointments How often do you skip brushing your teeth? It doesn’t happen, right? Why? Because you want to take care of your teeth since you will have them the rest of your life and have healthy hygiene. Treat your body in the same fashion and get your workout 4-6 days a week. Make fitness part of your daily routine just like keeping your pearly white teeth clean!

5. Get New Fitness Wear

Get New Fitness Wear Okay this does not always work for everyone, but occasionally when I get a new workout outfit, boy do I feel motivated to exercise in it. If you get a new fitness top or shorts every so often this will help to motivate you. This is especially the case if your new outfit is in a smaller size from your hard earned fitness results. You do not have to break your budget, you can head to the clearance rack at your sporting goods stores and get some great buys!

6. Register for a Fitness Event

Register for a Fitness Event If you register for a biking, swimming, running or other fitness event, you will have extra motivation since you now have to train for something. Personally I think this will give you the extra drive you need. And when you complete the event you will have a new personal accomplishment! Pay it forward by inviting a friend to do the event together and raise money for a charity!

7. Make Fitness Part of Your Lifestyle

Make Fitness Part of Your Lifestyle Recently my husband asked me to go on a date night and in my mind I envisioned a dream date of a long run followed by a shower then dinner. How great is it that my life is centered around being healthy? And as a fitness lover I hope to share my passion with others. Make fitness part of your lifestyle. This is a healthy habit that will reshape the way you view the world. I look at each day in a much more positive way and am thankful for my health everyday!

8. Write out Your Goals

Write out Your Goals When I first started exercising, one of the first things I did was make a journal online, through a document like Word, Excel, or Google Docs. I made daily fitness goals, and listed all my results from different exercises I tried. I made goals at the begining of the day, and I knew I could either mark those goals off at the end of the day, or I'd be left to face the fact I didn't workout. I also made adjustments as needed, and it was a great way to see how my progress was coming. This might help you if you're struggling to find motivation to workout as well. You can do this online, or through a journal. Writing it out helps you relieve stress, and see how far you've come, along with help you process your goals.

9. Post It Online

Post It Online Another great way to stay motivated is to post your goals online, either through your Facebook page, Twitter page, or you can even start a free blog on Blogger, that serves like an online journal and accountability tool too. Getting support, tips, and even inspiration from other people online isn't only helpful, but it also keeps you accountable.

10. Get a Buddy

Get a Buddy If you're really struggling with getting yourself out of bed in the morning to workout, consider getting a workout buddy. You can ask a friend, family member, co-worker, or anyone else to start exercising with you in the mornings, and have them meet you somewhere each and every day to workout, or on your scheduled workout days. Knowing someone is waiting on you and depends on you to be there will inspire you to get up and get started faster than just lying in bed, hitting the snooze button.

11. Make Your Breakfast Ahead of Time

Make Your Breakfast Ahead of Time One other cool tip to really get you inspired to workout, is to already have your breakfast ready for when you get back from working out. This will inspire you to get up, knowing your yummy breakfast is waiting for you when you get home. Make it a healthy decadent treat like overnight oats with chia seeds, almond milk, vanilla stevia, plain Greek yogurt, cinnamon, some raisins or blueberries, and a tablespoon of raw almond butter or raw almonds. Stir it all up, pop it in the fridge and let it sit overnight. In the morning when you get back, you'll have a sweet, cozy and filling breakfast that contains all the nutrients your body needs post workout. Having a yummy meal to come home to gives you incentive for getting out of bed and moving your booty! It tastes so much better when you know you've worked for it!

12. Get a Mentor

Get a Mentor Another great thing to do if you need some motivation to workout is to get a mentor. Pick someone who has achieved a level of fitness you'd like to have. Ask them what they did, how they got started, and see if they'll either coach you, or just be someone to talk to as you progress through your fitness journey. Including someone else who you admire into your fitness goals, can be a great way to stay motivated, and help you stay excited about achieving what they have. Plus, they may have some amazing tips that change your life in terms of fitness and staying motivated.

13. Read a Book

Read a Book Lastly, one of the best tips to get you motivated to workout is to pick a book about exercising, or that details an exercise plan, healthy eating plan, etc. This will give you external motivation, and provide some important tips that help you stay accountable and motivated along your fitness journey.

Hope my tips help to motivate you to exercise and stay fit because you deserve greatness! Do you currently exercise? And if so, how often do you workout? I am dying to know, what motivates you to exercise?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

very hard for me

Nice write-up. I work out each morning. I realize that getting it done in the morning gives me enough energy to manage my day. I basically slip in my sports bra and shorts and work out in my bedroom. I have lost some weight and gone from a Uk size 16 to a Uk size 10/12. I feel healthier, lighter and look better in clothes!

What motivates me is music, and have found Zumba to be a workout I have stuck with for a few years!! Recently I have tried Belly dancing! Music overall is my motivator!

Kudos @Samantha Rattray

Hi I like music to get me going Plus I'am at a age that it is so important to get going

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