7 Simple Ways to Cut Calories ...


7 Simple Ways to Cut Calories ...
7 Simple Ways to Cut Calories ...

There are many simple ways to cut calories without being on a diet. Often just the mere thought of being on a diet may make you feel restricted. So do not deprive, but strive to cut calories in a simple and effective way. Did you know that the average person that does not watch their weight will gain one to two pounds each year? But there is a solution. By consuming just 100 fewer calories per day you can combat this weight gain! If you’re finding this out a little too late―and you want to actually lose some of that weight―you have to downsize by 500 calories a day. But you don’t have to slash them all from your plate. Here are my 7 simple ways to help you to cut calories and control your weight.

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Start with Greens

According to a recent study from Pennsylvania State University, if you begin your meal with a salad you will consume fewer calories throughout your meal. This is one of the most simple ways to cut calories and control your appetite. Make sure your salad is healthy with a low fat dressing on the side. And have fun with creating your salad! Add a sprinkle of nuts, skim cheese, and whatever else that is healthy and floats your boat!


Make an App Your Meal

Since most restaurant-size portions are almost double a regular portion size, it is smart to order off of the appetizer menu. This will save you calories when dining out and you will not feel deprived. Choose a salad, lettuce wrap or non-creamy soup. And the bonus is this will even save you a few bucks that you can use on your new skinny wardrobe!


Keep Active

Keep the calories burning when you are at the office or at home. Take the stairs, park far away from your work and get down and do some squats when you can. You can easily turn your office routine more active by integrating push ups as your mid morning break. At home utilize your dusting and vacuuming as a shoulder and triceps workout. There are so many simple ways to burn extra calories and have fun!


Think Positive!

My motto is "Positive People see positive results." Boy is this true in all aspects of life! The people who achieve the most in their lives just so happen to be positive, and this is not a coincidence. Look at the most successful people in the world. Are they positive? I try to find something positive out of everything. Try this and it will not only work but it will help you to get you closer to your weight loss goals! And it will make cutting calories feel simpler!



If you met me you might say, "Wow, she is the happiest person I've ever met," because I always smile. You may even see runners with an occasional smile. Working out just feels good and people that exercise are happier. You will feel happiest after you workout because of the accomplishment and great calorie burn. Smile and be happy as your body secretes endorphins, happy chemicals! Smiling will keep you in a positive frame of mind throughout the day!

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H20 is the Way to Go

So often hunger is confused with thirst, and we ended up eating more, when all we really needed was a tall glass of water! Drink before, during and after all meals. You will feel fuller and even find yourself less sore after workouts. Stay hydrated and you will consume fewer unnecessary calories!


Have an Apple a Day!

Apples contain powerful antioxidants that are best when eaten in their fresh, whole state. The antioxidant power of these combined nutrients is equal to approximately 1500 milligrams of vitamin C even though they contain almost no vitamin C. Apples also contain pectin which is a natural fat burner! Choosing an apple a day for a snack is a simple and effective way to cut calories.

Become dedicated to your fitness and nutrition by cutting your calories and making healthy choices each day! What simple ways do you already follow and what will you change?

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