If you find your time at the gym is boring, not rewarding, you might be wondering how to amp up your workout. Sure, a new jogging bra or trainers might help, but you’ve got something else in mind. Here are 7 wonderful ways to amp up your workout, and feel a little better in the process…
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1. Add Resistance
If you love your time on the elliptical, but it just doesn’t seem to be giving you much of a workout anymore, amp up your workout by adding resistance. Likewise, if you work with weights, add a little more resistance by adding a little more weight. Start at five pounds and see if that helps… if not, add eight or ten… whew! There’s that burn you know and love!
2. Add Time
You may also want to consider adding a little time to your elliptical or other cardio workout regimen. Even just adding another five to ten minutes can make a big difference, especially if you’re also adding resistance (see above).
3. Take a Class
When I find my workout is boring, I’ll take a new class. Sure, I can’t do Zumba all the time (I’d die!) but it makes me appreciate my normal workout even more, and I get to learn a few new moves to incorporate once in a while. Woo!
4. Add a Friend
I don’t know why — perhaps it’s the competitive streak in my nature — but whenever I’m wondering how to amp up a workout, all I have to do is have a friend join me, and I’m off, kicking up a notch. If it’s a friend who I know also has a competitive streak, it’s even worse/better… we kick each other’s butts! No lazy, half-hearted workouts here!
5. Look around, and Ask
If you’re wondering how to amp up your workout, take a look around… literally! Look around the gym at what other people are doing, especially the people who seem to be in great shape. If you’re not sure how to do an exercise, or how to use a piece of equipment, ask! Chances are, as long as you’re not keeping them away from their workout too long, they’ll be happy to help.
6. There’s an App for That
If you think you could amp up your workout by just adding something new, and you’re too timid to approach someone at the gym, my dear, there’s an app for that! There are loads of free or low-cost apps with exercise tips (some with videos, to help you do them right). Download a few, and give them a go! I especially love the ones by Jillian Michaels… wow!
7. Get New Tunes!
Sometimes I just need a little extra inspiration to get back into butt-kicking (and calorie-burning) mode at the gym, and that’s when I’ll refresh my iPod play-list. This week, I added “We Are Young” by Fun… that song is PERFECT for pushing through the last five minutes on the elliptical!
Wow, there are so many ways to amp up your workout, aren’t there? And these are just the ones I’ve tried… I’m sure there are more! Which of these tips will you try first? Or do you have another suggestion for amping up a workout? Or any new tunes I ought to add to my workout play-list? Do tell!
Top Image Source: weheartit.com
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