7 Ways to Slim down for Summer Parties ...


Are you looking for ways to slim down for all the summer parties that are quickly approaching? Picnics, Memorial Day parties, 4th of July events and so much more make your summer party calendar packed with fun. Usually your motivation is at its peak when you have a goal event; the parties where you will see your friends and family. And if you have many goals, you may find your energy sparked even more! To help you get in shape in time for the summer parties, let me share with you the ways to slim down:

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Pick out Your Goal Outfit

So you are dying to wear the white eyelet lace dress in your closet from 5 years ago? Before you give up and hand the dress down to a family member, make a plan. Plan to wear this dress to your next summer party. With several weeks of training and following these ways to slim down, you will be rockin’ the eyelet dress and making heads turn in no time!


Set Realistic Goals

As you embark on your weight loss journey, know the best thing you can do is be honest with yourself. Set realistic goals that you can achieve and create a fitness and food plan to help you to get there. Also set mini weight loss goals that are more easily achievable. Once you attain these mini goals, you will be more motivated to work hard toward the next goal.


Develop New Habits

The days of eating fast food are of the past if you are ready to commit yourself to great change. Your new habits should be centered on creating healthier dishes. No indulgent food tastes as good as being thin, healthy and fit! And the bonus is these choices will help you to fit in your outfit of choice for your next summer party!


Enjoy the Summer Harvest

There are so many great fruits and vegetables harvested and ready in the summer, depending upon where you live, like watermelon, blueberries and even tomatoes. So enjoy the summer harvest and try to eat as much fresh produce as you can. It is all there waiting to be eaten by you!


Become More Active

With the weather changes, you cannot help but want to be outdoors. You may be chomping at the bit to go for a walk outside, bike ride, or even a jog. Get outside and enjoy the change of seasons. By getting 45 minutes to an hour of fitness in 4 days a week, you will see great changes in your body. And this can help you to get sculpted for your summer parties!

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Grow Your Own Produce

If you have your own home, why not grow your own produce. You do not need a huge yard to do this but be ready to pay attention to nurturing this. You can grow cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini and even some herbs. Then when you cook, it can be fresh from your own garden. By choosing to eat this fresh produce, you can slim down for summer.


Create a Healthier Lifestyle

Adopt a healthier lifestyle by eating well, exercising and being more positive. To excel in life, you must put 100% into everything you do and work hard to achieve your goals. So if you want to get in shape for your summer parties, start making these little changes!

Now that you know of the great tips to help you to slim down for your summer parties, are you ready to move your body to great results? Get moving and eating healthy!

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