7 Way to Get a Better Body This Year ...


Would you like to know the ways to get a better body this year? With the days flying by, it is a wonder where the time goes, so seize the day to get your workout in. After all, there is no better time than the present. Stop putting off your workouts and start putting in the time to achieve amazing results. Every day you make a choice, so decide where you want to be in your life and then take action. As your certified trainer, here are the ways to get a better body this year:

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Revamp Your Eating

Whether you eat healthy or are at every fast food restaurant in town, there is no time like the present to start eating healthier so that you can achieve great results. If you are not eating healthy, you can exercise endlessly without seeing your goal results, so clean up your eating. This is one of the top ways to get a better body this year!


Set out a Fitness Schedule

Set out an exercise schedule that will have you exercising four days a week. You can begin with walking but you should work your way up to a higher intensity, like speed walking, running, or biking. Whatever you do, make sure you finish your workouts covered in sweat. Now that is what I call working out!


Get Rid of the Temptation

I am sure you have heard this a thousand times, but if you are staring at tempting food in your food pantry, you are bound to have a slip up. Get rid of tempting food and replace it with healthy options. There are endless healthy possibilities like veggies with low fat dip, quinoa, and fruit. Clean up the food pantry so you can see great results!


Make Your Goal Visible

Whether your goal is to be in a smaller size, to be more toned, or to simply be your best; post your goal in a visible area so that you can be reminded daily. You can post this on the refrigerator, food pantry, and even on your bathroom mirror, since these are places you will look at every day.


Plan New Workout Activities

Plan one day a week of exercise activities that are outside of your norm. Maybe you always wanted to try the local Bootcamp, Zumba, or even swimming lessons. Register so you can get a great workout and keep yourself from workout boredom. If you plan new workout activities, you will find yourself feeling motivated to meet your goals.

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Set Calendar Goals

Set goals each week with rewards. For example, if you have a goal of losing 2 pounds in a week then on Friday, if you have met your goal, treat yourself to a manicure. After meeting your first large goal of 10 pounds, splurge on a massage. If you set goals with rewards you will feel motivated to stay on track and continue to pursue your end goal of having a better body.


Live for Health

As you work hard exercising and eating healthy, think about your long term achievement of better health. If you live for health, you will live a fuller and happier life. You will also find yourself making better food choices because of the end goal of better health that you will have in mind.

Now that you have motivation to get a better body, are you ready for the challenge? Get up and get going to pursue your dreams, because you can do anything you put your mind, heart, and some muscle into!

Feedback Junction

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I like the idea of rewarding yourself when you reach a goal but what if you can't afford rewards? :(

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