Looking for tips to have a successful date when you're dieting?
As if dating isn’t difficult enough already, you have to throw being on a diet into the mix. Losing weight is hard to do and the pressures of dating just ramp up the stress. We know that dating and dieting are not great bedfellows. But can we make them coexist? Yes, of course! You will most likely feel even more vulnerable as an overweight singleton, but don’t let that stop you having fun, nor allow it to diminish your potential of meeting “The One”. Many first dates involve dinner or an activity that includes food. However, with the right approach, you can still enjoy a successful first dinner date when you’re trying to lose weight. Here’s how to date when you're dieting.
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1. Don’t Put Yourself down
So what does it matter if you’re not at your perfect weight? Who is perfect? But, it’s not easy to be confident on a date, even if you’re happy with who you are. And one of the rules of dating when you’re not confident (in any aspect, not just weight) is to fake it till you make it. You need to present yourself confidently, even when you’re not feeling it. Remember, you are meeting someone who wants to meet you. If you have already met or already know your date, he already knows what you look like. If you’re meeting an online date for the first time, as long as you were honest with your profile pictures, he too, has already seen you. He's seen you. He wants to date you! Part of being confident is being happy. Wear clothes that emphasise your best features, but you still feel comfortable in. Feel good about your makeup and stand tall. Wear a smile, be sleek and fabulous, and be proud. This is one of the best answers for how to date when you're dieting.
2. Don’t Talk about Weight during the Date
There is no need for your weight, nor that you are trying to lose weight to come up in conversation during your date. I’ll reiterate again. Your date has seen you and has chosen to date you. I doubt there are very few men in this world who will see a girl and decide to take them on a date with an agenda to get them to lose weight so they’ll be more attractive to them. If you don’t dwell on it, your date won't either. It’s a boring conversation anyway, and not the best topic for making a connection. You don’t really want the word “fat” to feature in your date, so avoid conversations about your weight and your history of dieting. You don’t owe him an explanation about your weight. This also means not complaining about what you can or can’t have on the menu and it means no preaching about clean or healthy eating. Do not make your date feel guilty about his food choices.
3. Make Good Food Choices
The way you approach ordering food on a dinner date can be the key as to whether your weight issues or losing weight comes up in conversation. The worst thing you can do is sabotage your weight loss goals simply for the date. Don’t choose the lowest calorie dishes with tons of explanations as to why you are choosing that because that invites questions from your date. Be clever beforehand. You know your date is coming up, so account for it in your week’s meal plan. Don’t go to your date hungry. Have a nutritious snack beforehand so you don’t feel the need to order a large order of fries on the side. Try and stick to two courses instead of three. If you know where you’re going to be eating, check the menu online beforehand so you can pick out a meal without making it obvious you’re trying to lose weight. Alcohol is always an important factor on a first date. As well as being mindful of the way it can loosen your inhibitions, when you’re trying to lose weight, you need to factor in the calorie implications. Make smart booze choices.
I’ll say it again. Your date has asked to be in your company. Relax, make good choices and have fun.