How to Avoid Weight Gain during the Holidays ...

Tara Jan 14, 2021

How to Avoid Weight Gain during the Holidays ...
How to Avoid Weight Gain during the Holidays ...

With so many holidays spread across a few months, you will be getting many invites to celebrations and be surrounded by lots of food. In fact with so many celebrations, the average person gains 5 to 10 pounds during the holidays. So choose to be anything but average and get up to burn mega calories and avoid weight gain during the holidays. You will be so glad you did when your pants fits comfortably and you will not see the number on the scale increasing! So follow these tips to side track holiday weight gain!

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1. Avoid Soda

That sugary drink is nothing more than mega calories that will cause your waist to thicken. If you choose diet soda, you will find yourself craving more calories, and as a result the scale will tip in the wrong direction. So remember, H2O is most certainly the way to go!

2. Eat More Greens

Excess carbs can contribute to weight gain and may even have you feeling lethargic. So get up sleepy head and eat more greens. Salads and veggies will help to fill you up and even increase your immunity in the holiday season when viruses are going around. Choose green to better your health a look amazing as a result!

3. Increase the Cardio

Get on the cardio machines and push your body pronto to avoid holiday weight gain. You can combat the extra calories you had at the holiday luncheon if you choose a double workout for that day. Just make sure to not over indulge at the lunch. Moderation is key to weight loss and life success!

4. Pump Some Iron

Lift weights to slim down and build muscle that will actually help you to burn more calories while at rest. You may feel like pumping iron is just a mindless going through the motions but this will actually help you to get in shape and possibly even avoid holiday weight gain!

5. Increase Your Steps

If you wear a wireless tracking device like the fitbit, use the holidays as a time to motivate you to move more. If you want to sidestep weight gain, it is ultra-important to increase your activity level. These extra calories that you are burning will make up for the difference in the extra calories you may take in at holiday events!

6. Taste without over Indulging

It is okay to have a taste but do not over indulge. A bite of chocolate cake will not tip the scale but if you are going to many holiday celebration and are constantly over indulging, this will cause the number on the scale to increase. So go easy on the sweets and make sure you to do not over indulge!

7. Bring Your Own Dish to Holiday Parties

One of the best ways you can avoid having way to many calories and making food choices that can sabotage your waistline, is bring your own dishes. A healthy veggie platter and a salad can literally save your night to help you avoid weight gain. And you may be surprised by how many other healthy enthusiasts are next to you ready to make the best choice for their waistline as well!

So with so many tips to avoid holiday weight gain, it is super simple with effective planning and will power. Are you ready to stay slim over the holidays and avoid weight gain? I know I am!!

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