11 Wonderful Weight Loss Tips from Women Who Shed Major Pounds ...


11 Wonderful Weight Loss Tips from Women Who Shed Major Pounds ...
11 Wonderful Weight Loss Tips from Women Who Shed Major Pounds ...

It's no secret that losing weight is a hard journey. But that's exactly what it is. It's not going to happen overnight and it's not going to happen without putting in the work. Sometimes, the dramatic weight loss of other women is a powerful motivator for reaching your own goals. Each of these women has lost 100 or more pounds and are ready to give you the drive to lose the weight you want to lose. Thank you to popsugar.co.uk for introducing us to these fabulous women.

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1. Make Small Goals

clothing, "I knew there would be times I would feel like quitting. But from the start, I adopted a 'Today I will do what I can' kind of attitude." This one-day-at-a-time kind of attitude is what helped Amanda lose 135 pounds. She claims there was no secret, no diet . . . just doing small things that added up. "This went for exercise as well as eating habits. I knew all my bad eating habits were not going to disappear overnight. Slowly but surely, I made mental lists of things I was doing that were awful for my body and thought of ways to change them."

2. Hold Yourself Accountable — Publicly

clothing, hairstyle, long hair, dress, formal wear, While Charlene has about a dozen helpful tips for weight loss, one unique thing we admired was her accountability advice — blogging. Maybe you're planning to document your journey on Instagram or another form of social media, but this idea of making your journey public can have some serious effects on your commitment. "I also use my blog persona on FBJFit.com to keep myself honest," said Charlene. "I feel like my story has inspired and encouraged a lot of people and I feel a responsibility to walk the walk." Great job Charlene!

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3. Portion Control

art exhibition, art, Luz had been active her whole life, but it wasn't until she started controlling her food portions (during cancer treatment) that the weight started to come off. "I was a big eater — not a big sweets eater, but a big volume eater. My problem was always portion control, and I recognised that. I tried a lot of diets, but none of them would take. I've always worked out, but now I'm actually toning up very well." You look fantastic Luz!

4. Pick a New Goal Every Month

human action, person, sports, endurance, running, Geneva, who lost about 103 pounds, likes to mix up her routine. "I will pick a new fitness goal every few months, whether it is to increase the amount of weight I lift or decreasing my mile time. I also promised myself to complete one big fitness challenge every year. This year, I trained for and ran my first half marathon." You are rocking it, Geneva!

5. Eat Breakfast

Eat Breakfast "One of the hardest aspects of weight loss for me was eating breakfast, but throughout time I realised how crucial it was to my overall goal!" said Ashley, who lost 115 pounds. She sticks to oatmeal, or a protein shake if she's in a hurry. You are such an inspiration, Ashley!

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6. Find a Support System

person, dress, long hair, little black dress, gown, Whether it's your best friend, your mum, your significant other, a diet group, or a social media community, support systems play a fundamental part in weight loss and aid in accountability. "I would tell anyone starting a weight-loss journey that the best thing to have is a good support system," said Becca, who lost 106 pounds. "I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for my supportive family and friends; it was my mum who brought up the idea about joining Weight Watchers almost two years ago." You and your mom are both awesome!

7. Eat Greens with Everything

clothing, dress, outerwear, little black dress, textile, In addition to changing her relationship with food, Brooke made the decision to add greens to every meal. "It's universal and can be applied to any diet," she told POPSUGAR. Her addition of healthy vegetables to her daily diet helped her make other healthier decisions and promoted a better view of food overall. "Food is food, and it can be used for fuel or pleasure, but it doesn't define my character." Keep up the good work, Brooke!

8. Find an Activity You Love and Stick with It

graduation, phd, event, Desiree was once 400 pounds — she lost over 200 pounds, partly because of her committed training at TITLE Boxing Club. "At first, I was barely able to finish a class," she said. "Now I work out six days a week: four times at TITLE and two weight-resistance workouts. I also have started using a weighted vest and weighted gloves. I am always looking for ways to improve and become better than I was yesterday." If you don't love running, don't run! Try cycling. Hate cycling? Pick up dance or Zumba. Keep going until something clicks. Your advice rocks!!

9. Seek Help

person, Although it's a personal journey, oftentimes major weight loss cannot be achieved without some professional help. Whether it's seeking out a therapist to understand your relationship with food or hiring a personal trainer or nutritionist to tailor a program to your needs and hold you accountable, a small financial investment can yield massive returns for your health. Take Christine's story, for example: she lost 180 pounds with the help of a personal trainer. Way to go, Christine!

10. Aim for 10,000 Steps

clothing, footwear, physical fitness, leg, jogging, Many of the aforementioned women also used this tip — walk more and aim for about 10,000 steps per day. And you don't even need a tracker to do this! Hailey noted that this added movement became a routine lifestyle on her journey to lose over 100 pounds. "I don't use a fitness tracker; however, the app on my phone does count my steps during the day and I usually try to aim for 10,000, which given my walks to and from work is almost always achieved," she said. "Ultimately I just aim at being healthy and fit on a schedule that works for my lifestyle." Great job, Hailey!

11. Remind Yourself of the Why

person, Why did you start this journey? This will undoubtedly become difficult, but when you're faced with decisions or feel like you're going to give up, remind yourself of why you started. "I tell myself every week, even every day, do your best today; it will pay off tomorrow. All you have to do is say yes to health and do your best," said Katie, who lost 220 pounds. "This is the hardest journey I have ever been on, but the most rewarding!" You are looking awesome, Katie!

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