7 Sure and Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation ...


7 Sure and Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation ...
7 Sure and Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation ...

As I prepare my personal training clients for summer vacation, many are searching for ways to stay fit on vacation. After all, if you put in months of hard work to have a lean, tight and healthy body, why sabotage this over vacation? Did you know the average person can gain 4-6 pounds in just one week of vacation? Don’t worry, I am not going to feed you with an intense fitness program to do while you are on vacation, but I will provide you with some great tips on ways to stay fit on vacation. If you follow my tips you will stay fit while still having a blast on vacation. Here are my ways to stay fit on vacation.

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1. The Early Bird Catches the Worm (and Burns More Calories)

The Early Bird Catches the Worm (and Burns More Calories) Wake up early to start your day the right way and go for a run or swim. I always run while on vacation because it is a great way to explore and see the sights. When I vacation close to a beach or on a resort that is where I run, and it feels great to challenge myself and explore a new area. If you run early you will not disturb the friends or family you are on vacation with – or better yet, why not recruit them to join you? Why lose the hard work you put in to prepare for vacation while you are away? Rising early for a run tops my ways to stay fit on vacation for this reason.

2. Dance the Day and Night Away

Dance the Day and Night Away There are so many options to dance on vacation, so why not dance the calories away? Vigorous dancing for 1 hour burns mega calories and is a whole lot of fun. On vacation I find many opportunities to dance with my family and I take advantage of every one. Sure, this is not the same calorie expenditure as running for an hour, but it is still activity and it works off some of the vacation dessert you may splurge on.

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3. Walk to Your Destinations

Walk to Your Destinations Instead of jumping on every bus or train, why not utilize walking as your mode of transportation? If it is possible (and safe) to walk to your destination, just do it! On vacation to Disney last year, we walked to several surrounding parks and these miles racked up to 1 and ½ miles per day. This small walking session will add up to a mega calorie burn! So walk on your vacation and you will stay slim and feel great!

4. Plan a Fitness Event as Part of Your Vacation

Vacation does not have to be a holiday from your health, so run to it! Why not run or walk a 5k while on vacation? There are 5k races often in the spring, summer and fall, so why not run one on vacation? You will have the opportunity to meet some locals and explore a different area. On vacation my husband surprised me and signed me up for 5k race near Disney World. It was so thoughtful of him to do so, and it ended up being a family event. My oldest daughter, 6 at the time, ran the ½ mile race and my other daughter, 4, ran the ¼ mile race.

5. Choose What You Splurge on

Choose What You Splurge on Sipping cocktails and eating indulgent food all day shouldn't be your vacation. It is okay to enjoy a cocktail or two or eat a meal you enjoy, but do not make this the center of your vacation. I usually recommend my clients eat healthy for two out of the three meals on vacation. One meal is your splurge meal. If you follow this you will enjoy vacation without being deprived.

6. Stay at a Hotel That Has a Gym with Quality Equipment

I make sure to always stay at a hotel with a gym that has quality equipment because if it is raining, then I always have an alternate solution to get my workout in. There have been many times I have been on vacation and walked into a gym and left disappointed, so I now view the gym online before I book the hotel.

7. Be Prepared to Meet New People

Be Prepared to Meet New People I have met some of the most interesting and competitive athletes while I was exercising in the wee hours of the morning on vacation. Be prepared to meet new people while you are working out and you can share some “stay slim” secrets. And understand that although your workouts may not be ultra competitive, vacation is a time to have relaxed workouts and enjoy an easy pace.

Just remember to make your vacation unique and special to you. If you have become a fitness enthusiast or are working towards your new body and health, there is no reason to take a vacation from your fitness. The people that take a vacation from fitness have not made fitness part of their lifestyle yet. But don’t look at these individuals differently, inspire them! You have made a lifestyle change, so continue your newfound passion on vacation and inspire others with your ambition and dedication. Do you exercise while on vacation?

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I'm always worried about all the eating out that's happens on vacation, it's very difficult to always know the caloric intake of all the food that's not cooked by yourself.

Love the white bikini in the top photo.

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