7 Facts about Your Basal Metabolic Rate ...


7 Facts about Your Basal Metabolic Rate ...
7 Facts about Your Basal Metabolic Rate ...

First it was the Body Mass Index that was vying for your attention and now it is Basal Metabolic Rate. These are important units to consider when you are talking about your health and fitness levels. Here are 7 facts about your Basal Metabolic Rate to introduce you to the concept.

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1. What Does It Mean?

Basal Metabolic Rate is a precisely defined measure of the energy expenditure necessary to aid the functioning of vital organs, the heart, lungs, kidneys, the nervous system, intestines, liver, sex organs, muscles and skin.

2. How is It Measured?

Basal Metabolic Rate is measured by gas analysis through either direct or indirect calorimetry. Although it is possible to get a rough estimation of the Basal Metabolic Rate through an equation using age, sex, height, and weight.

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3. What Conditions Are Required for Measuring Your Basal Metabolic Rate?

Highly controlled and standardized conditions are required to measure the Basal Metabolic Rate. It can only be measured shortly after awakening in the morning, at least 12 hours after the last meal, and with a comfortable and temperate room temperature.

4. Basal Metabolic Rate and Exercise

One of the reasons you need to understand facts about your Basal Metabolic Rate is because of its influence on you if and when you diet. When you start to diet, your Basal Metabolic Rate tends to drop. This is because your body assumes that there is shortage of food and tries to reduce expenditure of energy. This is why it is not a good idea to go on a very low calorie diet.

5. Basal Metabolic Rate and Pregnancy

This is another very important reason you need to know facts about your Basal Metabolic Rate. During pregnancy, the Basal Metabolic Rate tends to increase because a pregnant woman has to support another life within her. It begins to rise in the third month and can reach up to double the normal rate by the time of childbirth. The rate increases proportionally to the size of the fetus and is influenced by the activities of the mother as well as that of the fetus.

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6. Basal Metabolic Rate and Physical Activity

Basal Metabolic Rate and physical activity are closely related. Increased physical activity leads to higher expenditure of energy, thus increasing the Basal Metabolic Rate. Your Basal Metabolic Rate is deeply influenced by your lifestyle and how active or sedentary it is.

7. Basal Metabolic Rate and Weight Loss

A low calorie diet is not the best solution for weight loss. The ideal weight loss program should also involve expenditure of energy through physical activity. The best combination is aerobics and weight training. In combination, these burn calories, build muscle mass and increase metabolism.

As you can see from the 7 facts about your Basal Metabolic Rate, it is important to take this into account when making health based decisions. This helps you decide what to expect when you are pregnant, what kind of diet is good for you and what is the best way to lose weight.

Top image source: photos.demandstudios.com

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Great Blog! While the BMI has quickly lost its relevance, the basal metabolic rate is incredibly important when it comes to weight loss, I am glad it is getting some attention! There are certain nutrients that can enhance or slow down your metabolism but everybody is different. A Nutritional Consultation can tell you how you metabolise fats , carbohydrates and proteins and which weight loss approach is best for you! Love, the Food Fairies xxx

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