Don't Lose Weight if These Apply to You


"I really need to lose weight!" you think. But do you really need to? There are times when losing weight may be unnecessary, or even unsafe. Many women convince themselves that they're overweight when they're not, or go on a diet at a time when it's really not appropriate. So if you fall into any of these categories, think again about wanting to lose weight …

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You're Pregnant or Have Recently Given Birth

Although you don't want to gain too much weight when you're pregnant, it's definitely not a time to diet. Aim to eat a healthy diet that will give you enough calories to nurture your growing baby. And when you give birth, don't rush to lose your baby weight, especially if you're breastfeeding. It took time to gain the weight, so you should lose it slowly as well.


You've Been Ill

You may lose weight without trying if you've been ill. But it's not a good time to try to lose weight, as you need all your energy to get back to good health. Going on a diet will only suck out your energy and make you feel weak. Save the diets for later, and concentrate on building up your strength.


You Want to Fit into a Special Outfit or Wedding Dress

How many brides-to-be pick a dress that's too small, hoping to slim down in time for the wedding? Instead of buying a dress and hoping to slim into it, buy a dress that fits and flatters you. There's no sense in putting extra pressure on yourself and panicking if you don't lose the weight quickly enough.


Your Partner is Pushing You

Are you trying to lose weight because your partner tells you that you need to slim down? If they're encouraging you to lose weight because you need to for the sake of your health, that's understandable. But if they're telling you you're fat and ugly, then they're bullying you. You should lose weight if it's better for your health, not because someone else is criticising you.


You're Trying to Emulate Someone else

Do you want to lose weight so that you can look more like your friend/sister/a celebrity? This is poor motivation for losing weight, because it sets up unrealistic aspirations. You are not someone else, you are yourself, and there's nothing wrong with that. Learn to be happy in yourself, and appreciate your own looks.

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You Want to Achieve a Model Figure

Stop right there. Models are generally not a good role model. They may not eat healthily and also promote an unrealistic idea of what women should be like. We're not all meant to be that slender. Be yourself, instead of trying to copy someone else's look; you can't look exactly like someone else, so you'll only be making yourself unhappy when you can't achieve the look you want.


You Think You'll Be Happier

Finally, if you want to lose weight because you think you'll be a happier person, you're probably wrong. There are plenty of people who found that being slimmer isn't everything they thought it would be. Happiness comes from being content within yourself, not from achieving your 'ideal' weight.

If you do lose weight, it should be for the sake of your health and done with a sensible approach. Take it slowly, and aim for a healthy weight. What do you think are 'good' reasons to lose weight?

Feedback Junction

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I disagree with the modeling models are really good influences and I would know that because I'm a model

I am happy if I am skinny or fat I don't care.

This is a good article. There are so many things saying losing weight is good but no one stops to say maybe you don't need to.

@Shanelle Congrats! That's great! @Sam Thanks! I basically cut my calorie intake (doctor's said to try 1200-1400 cals a day) and changed everything I ate to healthier versions, such as no more white bread, whole wheat,, same with pasta. I measure everything from the milk in my 1 cup of cereal to the dressings in my salads. I live on fruit salad and definitely don't snack as much as I used to. It took me 5 months to lose it; Now I'm trying to just maintain.

I think happiness comes from living a healthy life, and sometimes losing weight is a result of that. I lost 25 lbs because I started running every night then other things like diet started to change. As a result I'm more happy!:)

I have felt way better and happier after I've lost weight and become healthier..clothes fit me much better and i can rock any outfit I want.

If your partner thinks you should lose weight, you should absolutely listen to them - lose 80kg instantly by dropping their sorry ass and go get some coffee 👌

Karena, PLEASE see a doctor if you are depressed! It is possible to gain and/or lose weight when you are depressed, and either one is EXTREMELY dangerous. A doctor can properly diagnose clinical depression, and get some help for you. I wish you the best with this struggle...been there, done that myself on the depression issues, and depression is a viable medical condition which can be treated. Don't put either your physical or mental health at risk...the results of ignoring either, or both, can be absolutely catastrophic. I wish you nothing but the best as you fight this demon of depression!

Instead go on clen cycle or ephadra

Hey any of u trying HCG drops to shed the pounds ?

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