What You Should Remember Whenever You Step on That Scale ...


A lot of people don’t really enjoy measuring their weight since they are overly critical about themselves, and those numbers on the scale often scare and upset them. Even though it’s important to weigh yourself regularly, try to keep a few things in mind while doing this. I’m not saying that you get rid of your scale and never weigh yourself again. Actually, a lot of studies have showed that “individuals who weigh themselves on a consistent basis are better at maintaining their weight loss in the long term”. Make sure that you use your scale properly and with the right mindset. Here is what you should remember whenever you step on that scale:

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1. Fat Loss is Not Linear

You should not expect to lose weight every day because fat loss is not linear. During the day, your weight will fluctuate up and down for countless reasons. Also, you can’t predict how much weight you will lose over time because of all those fluctuations, so you shouldn’t trust those online calculators that tell you how much you should weigh by a certain date.

2. Water Retention

Water retention is actually a huge contributor to that excess weight that you don’t like seeing on a scale. Experts say that you can gain up to 5 pounds of water weight in one day due to your diet, to the amount of sodium you take in and even if you’re an that special time of the month.

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3. The Scale Does Not Tell the Whole Story

If you are exercising and you’ve noticed that instead of losing weight you actually put on a few pounds, you shouldn’t worry because that weight doesn’t necessarily mean bad weight. The scale actually measures everything in your body: water, muscle, fat, bone, stomach content etc. Just keep in mind that the scale can’t make the distinction between fat and muscle or anything else.

4. You Will Weigh More the Day after You Lift Weights

After you work out, especially if you lift weights, your body needs to recover from the stress placed on it and in order to do that your muscles store more glycogen which often results in a short-term weight-gain. Just keep in mind that that’s not fat, it’s only weight.

5. The Scale Isn’t the Only Way to Track Fat Loss

There are a lot of ways to track fat loss, not just the scale. For example, just look in the mirror; do you like what you see? Have you noticed any changes? How do your clothes fit? Are they getting looser? Are you dropping clothing sizes? If so, then you’re on the right track.

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6. Weigh Yourself under the Same Conditions

Each time you weigh yourself, make sure that you do it under the exact same conditions. Use the same scale because your weight will vary from scale to scale. If you weigh yourself first thing in the morning, then do it at the exact same time under similar conditions because weighing at different times might give you inconsistent results.

7. The Scale Does Not Define You

It’s important to set goals, especially when it comes to weight loss, but keep in mind that the scale does not definite who you are. Even if you don’t like the numbers on your scale, keep in mind that you are still the same amazing and talented woman, the same wonderful friend and the same fabulous lady.

To stay strong and motivated without stepping on your scale too often, keep in mind that your journey to a healthier life is a marathon, not a sprint. Look at your body composition rather than your weight, set goals that are not weight-oriented and keep a journal to track your progress. What do you think about when you step on your scale? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!


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@Cindy totally agree with you. I find eating moderately and exercise work. Cut down on salt. It all works. Good article

Its true, weight fluctuates, but don't give up, keep on track, cut calories and gym at least 5 times a week, after 12 weeks, i saw an amazing difference and I felt so good. Discipline and self control, it works!! Thinner feels so good

If the scale is NOT your friend, try gauging weight loss with a tape measure instead. While you may not be losing pounds, you may be losing inches, and that's still PROGRESS!

Mass. Weight is the gravitational pull on you.

Yes. Exercise and cutting calories.

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