7 Ways to Face Your Toughest Fitness Challenges ...


7 Ways to Face Your Toughest Fitness Challenges ...
7 Ways to Face Your Toughest Fitness Challenges ...

As you aim to lose weight and get in better shape, you run into obstacles along the way. You fight the urge to take a break or give up. You have days when you are just not into it and would much rather sleep in than get up for your workout. And since you have such a hefty weight loss goal, you feel like you will never get there. The biggest obstacle you fight on a regular basis is finding time for your fitness. So let me share with you how you can overcome these obstacles, stay on track and achieve your weight loss goals!

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Lack of Motivation

TV Land, performing arts, dance, entertainment, performance art, You have your good days and your bad when it comes to fitness but lately your bad days are more frequent than the good. How do you stay motivated on a regular basis to work out? As a certified trainer for over a decade my best advice is, to not think about it, just do it. If you think about it you just may talk yourself out of your workout. So get it done pronto!


Feeling Tired

structure, sport venue, vehicle, INCHES, Can't, As you get home from work, the last thing you want to do is work out. You are lethargic from a long day and your motivation keeps dwindling. Stop thinking about it and just get it done. If you find this a daily occurrence, rise 40 minutes earlier for your workout and push yourself to achieve your goals, lose weight and win big by accomplishing great results!


Just Not into It

cartoon, screenshot, games, pc game, KRYPTON, As you begin to work out you are just not into it. You are going through the motions and not feeling it. And as time passes you even notice your efforts are failing. Stop losing focus and get on track because every step you take is one step closer to your goal. To lose weight, you have to work hard and give it all you got!


Not Enough Time

room, sports, physical fitness, FOX, WDRB, It seems like there are not enough hours in the day to get your workout in. Every day you push your goals of exercise to the next day and you are failing. Before you throw in the towel and give up, refocus and make time. I promise you if physicians and lawyers that work 60 plus hours find time for exercise, so can you; it is all about setting your priorities! How bad do you want this? Then make time!


Too Far to Go

Hulu, human action, person, structure, room, With a forty pound weight loss goal, you feel like you are going to have to work forever to lose the weight and as a result, you feel discouraged. Keep your head up and march on by looking at your weight loss goal in stages. With a 4 pound weight loss goal per week, in just ten weeks you will accomplish your goals. So think small and achieve big results!

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Not Enough Resources

human action, sports, bodypump, muscle, arm, You are not a member of a gym and do not have a treadmill at home so you feel like you lack the resources to exercise. Say hello to Mother Nature and get outside for a walk, hike or even a run. The beauty of nature can help you to get in your best shape!


Eating Too Much

performing arts, dance, ihL, After your ten mile run you are famished so you carb load and have a protein shake. In this post run meal you consume over one thousand calories and your workout ia a washout. Think before you eat and have plenty of water since hunger is often confused with thirst. Moderation is key to helping you achieve your weight loss goal so eat a portion controlled post run meal!

Once you overcome the toughest fitness challenges I promise you will break them and achieve your goals. It all starts and ends with you so make a change and go for your goals!

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You are a doll !!! Thank u 🤷🏻‍♀️it's simple now I have to just stay focused lol making this my fave so I can go back n get refreshed daily on ur great motivation

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