There are so many ways to burn calories while spring cleaning. How great would it be to clean your home while getting in shape? Well I have some great spring cleaning calorie burners for you. Leave your home spic and span as you reshape your body with these cleaning exercises. The best part about burning mega calories while you spring clean is you will not even feel like you are working out, and the results will yield a toned, sculpted body and a super clean home. Ready to burn calories while spring cleaning yet? Then read on.
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1. Pull out Your Furniture
By pulling out the refrigerator and furniture to clean the dust behind, you will strengthen your arms and core. Make sure to tighten your core to protect your back and never lift anything you find too difficult. Invest in a friend for some help. Once you pull out the furniture, sweep and mop this area to work your arms and clean your home. Approximate calorie burn is 350 calories in one hour! Get moving to burn calories while spring cleaning!
2. Window Washing
Clean the window sills and inside and outside of your windows to strengthen your shoulders, biceps and triceps, and have an extra clean home. How great is it to have your windows looking perfectly clean? That is great satisfaction in itself. And the approximate calorie burn in one hour of window washing is 300 calories!
3. Garage Revamp
Open up your garage to take in some spring air and revamp your garage. You can reorganize the bikes, tools and so much more while getting a workout in. If you are lifting some heavy duty items and sweeping, you will burn approximately 400 calories in just one hour! And you will have a shiny clean garage!
4. Blind Washing
Take your blinds down one window at a time and you can soak them in your bathtub for 10 minutes, then wipe with a sponge and dry with a towel. Or you can keep your blinds intact and hanging, wipe with a damp cloth and also dry with a towel. Blind washing burns approximately 200 calories per hour!
5. Mulching and Gardening
Okay, this may not be the top task on your list but this is part of the spring cleaning and revamping that I do love because the aftermath is great! It will look beautiful. If you mulch and garden you will work your arms, stomach and back and it will look great. The approximate calorie burn in one hour is 425 calories, so get mulching!!
6. Clean off the Shelves
Simply taking all your dishes and plates out of the closet, reorganizing and wiping down shelves will produce great results. You will have cleaner pantries that are easier to navigate and you will burn approximately 150 calories in one hour!!
7. Closet Cleaning
This is always a large project to tackle, especially in a walk in closet, but it produces great results. Think about the extra time you spend in your closet moving the clothes that do not fit to the side to figure out what you will wear. Imagine being able to pick out your outfit in less than a minute. Revamp your closet by color or style and discard clothes that you will not wear or do not fit. You will make it much easier to choose your clothing each day and you will burn approximately 200 calories in an hour of cleaning, reorganizing and revamping!
Now that you have ideas about how you can reorganize your home and your life while burning calories spring cleaning, you better get moving! But what project will you tackle first? Will you tackle this alone or bring a friend and tackle this together?