8 Useful Health and Fitness Tools ...

By Jenni2 Comments

8 Useful Health and Fitness Tools ...

Between the internet, books, podcasts, and all other media outlets, there are some fantastic and useful health and fitness tools out there. Whether you are making 2013 a year of healthy changes, or you want to maintain your healthy lifestyle, tools are an important part of making those goals happen. There are plenty of useful health and fitness tools that range from free and new daily, to books and movies that just might change your life.

1 Amanda Russell

Amanda Russell is one of my favorite useful health and fitness tools because she makes working out daily accessible to anyone. Amanda is a personal trainer in NYC who has created a health and fitness channel on YouTube. Most of her videos are short, but effective, workouts that take anywhere from five to twenty minutes. Amanda also has fitness tips and a few cooking segments for healthy living.

Frequently asked questions

2 Livestrong

If you have ever looked up anything fitness related, chances are you have been to livestrong.com. This website has useful fitness information coming out its ears. Articles run the gambit of health, from healthy eating to health and fitness tips geared towards both women and men. Livestrong also has a great community behind it and writers that are experts in their respective health and fitness fields.

3 Fitness Blogs

Who better to follow fitness tips from than those who are trying to be healthy just like you? Some of my best health and fitness finds have come from bloggers who found it for me. There are health and fitness blogs for everything, and most have new articles uploaded daily about anything from home based workouts to simple and healthy recipes. Search health and fitness blogs and see what little treasures you can find!

4 AllWomenStalk.com

As I'm sure you already know, AllWomenStalk.com is a website with it all. Our site has everything from celebrity gossip to the best calorie burning workouts. We have a handy portable app for our fitness fanatics on the go, with new content uploaded daily. Fitness tips, fashion and celebrity gossip all from the same place? Yes, please!

5 Nutritiondata.self.com

This website is one of the internet gems that I cannot imagine my life without. Nutritiondata.self.com is a treasure for all those who want to know exactly what they are eating. The website has a massive database of every kind of food out there, even those fast food cheeseburgers! Nutritional data for foods include the usual calorie count, fat content, and percentage of daily vitamins, and information like protein quality and nutritional balance. Foodies, prepare to research to your heart’s content!

6 The 4 Hour Body

Tim Ferris is the author of all those 4 hour books, but The 4 Hour Body has to be my favorite. The book is filled with great health and fitness finds from a guy who made becoming a health and fitness expert his goal. No, he is not a dietitian, trainer, or anything else; but, reading this book helped me more than all the private trainers I have ever paid. Ferris has a simple layout to his book and recommends only reading the parts that interest you. I do love having permission to skip all the boring bits that have nothing to do with me!

7 Podcasts

Weekly podcasts are one of my favorite ways to stay up-to-date in the health and fitness world. My favorite podcasts range from the general fitness finds, to the specific health and fitness updates. Whether you are interested in a Paleo lifestyle, inspiration for running that marathon, or new workout routines, there is something out there for you. The best part about podcasts is that all the information comes free!

8 Documentaries

Movies are not just ways to watch cars get blown up. Some of the best health research can be learned through a few fantastic documentaries. A couple of my personal favorites are Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and Forks Over Knives. Both these documentaries have to do with eating healthy and are available for free on Netflix and Amazon Prime.

No matter what your health and fitness goals are, tools will help you get there. Finding useful tools is a way to keep workouts and healthy eating fun and new. What are some of your favorite and new health and fitness finds?

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