Have you ever thought about what your daily calorie intake is and what it should be? It doesn’t matter how healthy you think you are eating, if you eat too many calories you will gain weight or maintain your current weight. If you gain weight or are not losing weight after your exercise efforts you are eating more calories then you are burning. So why does something so simple seem so confusing? Most people are not aware how many calories they should be consuming. If you look at a daily calorie calculator you can find this range easily. Now here are my reasons to be conscious of your daily calorie intake:
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1. You Can Be Overeating
If you find yourself mindlessly eating when you are not hungry you are not alone. A whopping 70% of adults eat throughout the day even when they are not hungry and this adds up to a large amount of excessive calories. This explains the rise in obesity. Are you aware of your daily calorie intake?
2. You May Be Eating Too Much Too Late
The bulk of your calorie intake should be consumed in the first portion of the day. After 7 or 8pm you should have your last snack and the kitchen is then closed. If you avoid late night eating you will wake up feeling leaner and you will get better sleep. Late night eating cause your digestive process to be at work and as a result restless nights often follow.
3. Not All Calories Are Created Equal
Are the calories you are eating nutrient dense? The nutritional value in a 90 calorie apple are far different than a 90 calorie cookie. Make sure you are avoiding processed food and choosing whole, healthy food. Choosing food for health makes a world of difference to your health and your waistline.
4. Portion Control is Key
Do you know the proper portion size? A long time ago, sandwiches were much smaller, salads had dressing measured out and people often weighed their food. Now most portions are much larger and often people are unaware of how many calories they are consuming. Eat on smaller plates and make sure you are eating the proper portion size. You can ask a nutritionist or trainer for help with these guidelines if you are unsure.
5. You Can Be Causing Health Problems
Over consumption of calories can put you at health risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and many other illnesses. Treat your body the right way and make sure you stay within healthy calorie guidelines. This website, funfitmama.com can help you with general guidelines.
6. Are You Eating Enough for Breakfast
As a trainer I often hear from clients that they are too busy or too tired to eat breakfast. Even if you are not hungry you should make breakfast a priority to start your day. Break the all night fast and stabilize your insulin level by starting the day with some eggs. Eggs pack plenty of powerful protein and they are a natural fat burner!
7. Are Your Calories Spread Throughout the Day
Skipping meals is unhealthy and can cause metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that occur together and increase your risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes. Skipping meals also slows down your metabolism. An ideal health food plan should consist of 6-8 mini meals spread throughout the day. This will keep your metabolism firing healthily through the day.
I hope you will be more conscious of your daily calorie intake so you can achieve optimal fitness and health. Know the fuel you are feeding your body because you deserve the best fuel. And remember you can exercise for endless hours and still see minimal results if you are not eating healthy and being mindful of just how many calories you are consuming. Are you conscious of the calories you consume each day?
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