How to Start an Exercise Regime with Your Everyday Routines ...


How to Start an Exercise Regime with Your Everyday Routines ...
How to Start an Exercise Regime with Your Everyday Routines ...

Believe it or not, your everyday routines can lead to weight loss. This can, in fact, be the easiest way to jumpstart your weight loss journey. If you don't have time, money, or motivation to get to the gym, you can get started around your home. All you have to do is tailor your everyday routine to maximize your activity level. Hey, even if it takes baby steps, you're still making that leap. Good on you!

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1. Try Extreme Gardening

Try Extreme Gardening This is an excellent way to make your daily routine work for your weight loss goals. Not only that, but you can take the opportunity to grow healthy food, which will also benefit your health and fitness goals. Yay!

2. Power Clean Your House

Power Clean Your House Housework burns a surprising number of calories, especially if you kick things up a notch. You'll also have a ridiculously clean house, so that's awesome.

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3. Play with the Kids

Play with the Kids Oh. You will burn so many calories. Your heart will pump so hard! If you don't have kids, no problem. You can romp with your dogs or borrow someone else's children.

4. Bike to and from Work

Bike to and from Work This isn't always possible, of course, but you can try biking anyway. You might have a store that's close enough for a bike ride or you could just ride around the neighborhood.

5. Walk on Your Lunch Break

Walk on Your Lunch Break In addition to helping you stay active, this will also keep you alert and awake for the rest of the day!

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6. Dance, Just Dance

Dance, Just Dance Dance while you mop or vacuum, while you dust, while you get ready in the morning ... seriously, just dance.

7. Take the Stairs

clothing, pink, dress, girl, costume, Always take the stairs. Do you have an upstairs bathroom? Always use that one. As you're running errands, take whatever stairs present themselves. Do the same at work and school.

8. Put Away the Remote and Get up to Change the Channel

person, facial hair, gentleman, beard, It's a small thing, but that's okay. Remember, baby steps are totally okay.

9. Start Small with Regular Exercise

Start Small with Regular Exercise This isn't part of your regular routine, exactly, but it's still a helpful tip. Besides, starting small will allow you to work exercise into your busy schedule.

10. Take the Dog for a Walk around the Block

pet, dog, animal, mammal, bull terrier, Your dog will probably be happy to walk as long as you like, so take a few trips around the block or walk to a nearby park.

11. Explore Your Yard a Bit

Explore Your Yard a Bit Your yard may not be the size of a track, but you can still walk around the perimeter to get some exercise. Check your plants, your grass, the state of your weeds, whatever. Mowing works, too.

12. Do Some Squats in Front of the TV

Do Some Squats in Front of the TV If you're going to watch TV, you might as well make good use of the time. Don't just sit on the couch! You can even exercise during commercial breaks.

13. Make a Game out of Exercising

Make a Game out of Exercising You can play all sorts of games with yourself. If you don't get the kitchen cleaned in an hour, maybe you have to do 20 squats. On the other hand, if you take a 15-minute walk, maybe you can play a video game for the next 15 minutes.

14. Move Your Furniture around

Move Your Furniture around Hey! You can exercise and redecorate at the same time!

15. Clean All Your Windows

Clean All Your Windows It's a great arm workout. Soon enough, you'll walk around flexing and asking everyone if they bought tickets to your own personal gun show.

16. Stand While You Work

Stand While You Work This, too, is a small thing, but it's helpful. You could sit on one of those exercise balls, too.

17. Park as Far Away as Possible

Park as Far Away as Possible Oh, you know this tip. It's a good one, though, and you'll get a pretty good workout when you're running all your errands at once.

How do you work fitness into your everyday routine?

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I dont either. My rooms a mess

Um I don't have motivation at home ...

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